f) Searching for business' phone numbers and calling via Google voice (as
in 800-GOOG-411) : Using google voice (or google voice extension on chrome
browser), let's say I want to quickly find out the phone number of a
dentist "alpha dental care sunnyvale", and call that number. Currently, the
process is tedious, wherein I have to search for the number first elsewhere
, cut-and-paste that number etc. But if google voice can, just like 800-
GOOG-411, find out the number for me, based on my location, and call the
number for me, that will be very helpful
g) Ability to find a friends phone number that I do not have in my contacts
: I want to call a friend via google voice, but then I find out that I do
not have their phone number. So I have to email them separately to get
their phone number and populate into my contacts list. This is tedious.
Google voice can provide an option for me to enter in an email address,
that will request the recipient to enter that phone number and populate my
contacts. Better yet, I should receive a google voice call as soon as they
enter in that phone number in my contacts, instead of me having to check my
emails again-and-again and call the friend when I do get the email with
phone number from the friend. Another idea is for google voice to discover
that friends phone number from somewhere on internet or 411 pages etc and
suggest it to me.
h) Quickly adding a Contact and phone number: I am using Google chrome
voice extension. Can you please have ability in this extension , for me to
Quickly add a Contact and phone number , when clicking on this extension ?
Currently, I have to go to www.google.com/contacts and add contacts there,
which is very tedious.
Original issue reported on code.google.com by agrawala...@gmail.com on 12 May 2010 at 12:53
Original issue reported on code.google.com by
on 12 May 2010 at 12:53