jimmyday12 / fitzRoy

A set of functions to easily access AFL data
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Add match chains data #162

Open jimmyday12 opened 2 years ago

jimmyday12 commented 2 years ago

Noting down some general steps and thoughts on adding the match chain data from @DataByJosh.


I'll assume you are relatively new to package dev based on our convo but if not, you can ignore some of this stuff!

Setup and Overview

General structure

Code stuff



General comments

Other stuff

jimmyday12 commented 2 years ago

Hey @DataByJosh - just reviewing some old tickets and noticed this one. No stress or pressure, just thought I'd ping to see if you had a chance to look into this at all?

DataByJosh commented 2 years ago

Hey @jimmyday12 - apologies, has been a hectic couple of months and just never quite made it to the top of the priorities pile. Moving house at the moment but should have some time to tackle it in February.

jimmyday12 commented 2 years ago

No stress at all @DataByJosh - I have been in the same boat. Thanks for the message!