jimmyday12 / fitzRoy

A set of functions to easily access AFL data
126 stars 27 forks source link

Rest API #166

Closed p4stoboy closed 2 weeks ago

p4stoboy commented 2 years ago

REST API for main stats functions hoisted with plumber. I have been using this for local interoperability with other languages (primarily node). I'm happy to push this as a standalone repo but I'd rather give you guys the option to integrate it if desired (I'm sure this has been considered in the past, but in the off chance that it hasn't).

jimmyday12 commented 2 years ago

Hi @p4stoboy - sorry I haven't replied in a while. I will try to review this over the holidays. One thing that would be helpful is a vignette for how this might be used.

In terms of your question about if it should be in the package or a separate repo - I'm not sure either. Need to have a bit of a think on that but if you (or anyone) has strong opinions either way I'm happy to listen!