jimmyday12 / fitzRoy

A set of functions to easily access AFL data
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2019 rounds 5/6 have incorrect matches #95

Closed cfranklin11 closed 4 years ago

cfranklin11 commented 4 years ago

A further refinement of #93

I suspect this is related to the baffling changes in behaviour when calculating epiweek and wday that were addressed in #92. I was trying to recreate previous behaviour, but something has changed. At one point, Wednesday matches were at the start of the new round, which required a manual adjustment of the 2018 ANZAC match. Current behaviour puts Wednesdays at the end of the round, which requires replacing the manual adjustment for 2018 with a similar one for 2019.

Looking at the data and the git history, I think the intended behaviour is for Wednesdays to be at the starts of rounds by default, and we leave in the manual fix for 2018, but let me know if it should be otherwise.