jimmykane / SiriServerCorePlugins

SiriServerCore - Plugins Contributed by community
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Plugin basic guidelines... #10

Open cytec opened 12 years ago

cytec commented 12 years ago


What do you think about it if we set some guidelines for the few plugin repo?

for example: commands should be applied as a dictionary, so you can easily adapt it to his language used.

basically what the Eichhoernchen have written here: http://hack.silentspark.net/phpbb/viewtopic.php?f=28&t=348

also we may should notify the users about the "help" plugin which (imho) is really great and now supports helpPhrases. If none are added to every single plugin the help plugin wont work for those...

helpPhrases_enUS = ['What is the meaning of life?', 'Hello', 'Hi Siri', 'Hi', 'Hey', 'Location test']

helpPhrases_deDE = ['German meaning 1', 'German meaning 2', 'German meaning 3', 'German meaning 4', 'German meaning 5', 'German meaning 6']

Of course this should not be mandatory rules, but rather some kind of help / guide.

so what do you think?

cytec commented 12 years ago

ive created a wiki page for that on my fork to show a little bit more what i mean: https://github.com/cytec/SiriServerCorePlugins/wiki/How-to-Contribute

casenjo commented 12 years ago

Definitely on board with this. I'm thinking that just like the commands, the help phrases could also be applied as a dictionary.

cytec commented 12 years ago

yeah i also would prefere a dict for the helpPharses...

casenjo commented 12 years ago

helpPlugin now uses the dictionary phrases :)

cytec commented 12 years ago

Cool, ive already startet to change some of the Plugins in my Development fork of this repo...

cytec commented 12 years ago

seems like @jimmykane has a lot of stuff to do atm, so it may take some time to read and comment this ;)

ill update my wiki page asap to match the new "rules" @apu95 used for the help plugin

any other ideas for guidelines?

cytec commented 12 years ago

@apu95 whats the status of your "new" help plugin ;)?

casenjo commented 12 years ago

I had been working on it for a bit but then school took over my time so I had to put it on hold. I'm gonna resume work on it probably by next Friday or so, once my exams are done :)

Eichhoernchen had mentioned in a post that it might be a better idea to add help messages directly to the actual help screen that comes with Siri, but I don't know if we'd be able to do that without having to modify plist files and all that. It might be worth looking into though.

cytec commented 12 years ago

yeah ive read that too, but i dont think its possbile to do this without changing the plist stuff...

would be great if it would be possible thought :)

MrRoundRobin commented 12 years ago

Wouldn't it be better to name the help phrases helpPhrases_en-US like everywhere?