jimmykane / The-Three-Little-Pigs-Siri-Proxy

A intelligent Siri Proxy with multiple key storage and key throttling.
137 stars 49 forks source link

Stuck at "Active connections" #153

Closed RonaldKonijnenburg closed 12 years ago

RonaldKonijnenburg commented 12 years ago


Just set up a brand new server in the cloud. I can see following log:

sysadmin@xxxxxxxx:~/The-Three-Little-Pigs-Siri-Proxy$ rvmsudo proxychains4 siriproxy server [proxychains] config file found: /home/sysadmin/The-Three-Little-Pigs-Siri-Proxy/proxychains.conf [proxychains] preloading /usr/local/lib/libproxychains4.so Initializing TLP version [0.9bd] [proxychains] DLL init Mysql Server version: 5.1.41-3ubuntu12.10 Connection and dataset ok [Info - SiriProxy] Email notifications are [OFF]! Starting SiriProxy on port .. Server is Up and Running [Info - SiriProxy] Active connections [2] Max connections [999] [Info - SiriProxy] Active connections [2] Max connections [999]

Installed all according to tutorial. Neither via VPN, neither via spire two seperate iPhone 4S can get any respons. I assume we have connection as it shows two connections, but siri response is simply"I'm really sorry,..". No keys end up in the database.

Would appreciate a little guidance what this could be. Where do I need to look?



hackersbox commented 12 years ago

your server is not receiving any connection from your 4S.

make sure your 4S are pointed to your server, either via Spire for 4S or thru the DNS method.

RonaldKonijnenburg commented 12 years ago

@hackersbox tried exactly that. Used VPN and spire (https://IP_ADDRESS). See on the paradox site there are issues? Apple changed something?

hackersbox commented 12 years ago


my servers are all up and running without any issues.

Open com.assistant.plist using iFile and make sure the address is pointed into your server. sometimes Spire is not updating it.

RonaldKonijnenburg commented 12 years ago

@hackersbox Pointing to my server. Maybe stupidquestion but dnsmasq, config.yml, openssl.cnf should all be pointing to the external IP of my server?

Cazy, I see everything running including the web front end, but it just doesnt work.

hackersbox commented 12 years ago

@sjako yes they all should be pointing to your server's external IP.

is your server hosted online and has it's own public IP?

RonaldKonijnenburg commented 12 years ago

It sure has. It used to run the "plamoni" siri proxy which stopped working. See: https://github.com/plamoni/SiriProxy/issues/323

Also I see lots of mixed messages: http://paradox-productions.net/

This is exactly occurring on my server: http://paradox-productions.net/forums/index.php?action=vthread&forum=3&topic=60

Just want to run some plugins on this server with a 4S...

hackersbox commented 12 years ago

that's weird. what version are you using? My server is still using the 'master' branch and it's working perfectly fine right now.

Are you using the experimental branch?

RonaldKonijnenburg commented 12 years ago


thpryrchn commented 12 years ago

Are you sure your router is forwarding port 443 to the right internal IP address and port? If the box you are running on is connected to a router using that assigns it an IP address, it can change, and therefore, your phone will never connect.

RonaldKonijnenburg commented 12 years ago

@thpryrchn Yes. In via VPN. If I ping guzzoni.apple.com, IP adress of the server comes back. DNS Resolved ok therefore. Assume Spire is not required for this proxy, meaning I can also use VPN instead. Only thing I can imagine its a certificate error. This is the config from openssl.cnf. By the book:

commonName = Common Name (eg, YOUR name)

commonName_max = 64

0.commonName = Common Name (eg, YOUR name) 0.commonName_default = guzzoni.apple.com 0.commonName_max = 64 1.commonName = Common Name (eg, YOUR name) 1.commonName_default = xx.xx.233.42 1.commonName_max = 64

xx.xx.233.42 I changed manually in the log here. Normally it show servers public IP.

Looks ok?

thpryrchn commented 12 years ago

Setup yourself up with a free dns like sjakosiri.no-ip.com at http://www.no-ip.com for free. Then set it up for your external IP, and port forward that to your siriproxy.

To gen the certs, don't even mess with that openssl.cnf crazyness... Just edit your config.yml to something like this:

`#For Generating Certs for iPhones. Has 2 hosts, so that you can use guzzoni on a 4S,

and your server also using the same instance.

ca_name: 'SjakoSiri' server1: 'guzzoni.apple.com' server2: 'sjakosiri.no-ip.com' Then Runsiriproxy gencerts`, and then your certs will be in ~/.siriproxy. Just copy the ca.pem to an email or whatever to get it to your phones. Then you will be good to go... You can also make server2 your ip address that your phone points too..

RonaldKonijnenburg commented 12 years ago

@thpryrchn Many thanks for your suggestion. Unfortunately it did not make any difference. Believe that or the server is banned or it is completely screwed. The last would be very, very strange. I have been running siri proxy on that machine for at least a month without trouble. All of a sudden it stopped working, I put in proxychains and get it running for two hours and after that its stopped again. I installed this proxy, but as mentioned in the thread, it fails. Leaves me with 1 conclusion: server got banned. However I cannot be the only one I guess. Vagueness all around.