jimmylion / vsf-payment-adyen

Adyen payment module for Vue Storefront
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Make module easier to install #3

Open pablogiralt opened 3 years ago

pablogiralt commented 3 years ago

try to reduce number of forked repos for solution to work:

try to simplify changes needed to VSF

Update repository documentation

pablogiralt commented 3 years ago

current pull requests and issues in third party repos:

https://github.com/DivanteLtd/magento2-rest-client/pull/35 https://github.com/Adyen/adyen-magento2/issues/787 https://github.com/Adyen/adyen-magento2/pull/786

pablogiralt commented 3 years ago

@Fifciu about trying to simplify changes needed in VSF. This is basically what we had to do to make this work:

Let me know when we can discuss this to see if there are simpler solutions to what we currently have