jimradford / superputty

The SuperPuTTY Window Manager for putty sessions
MIT License
1.9k stars 321 forks source link

Download SupperPuTTy #876

Closed hwprinz closed 1 year ago

hwprinz commented 1 year ago

Hi, I understand to get the latest 1.4.10 version as described in the home section/Read.me

non the less is there some misleading stuff in the Wiki Homepage it says 'for more information see our [Download SuperPuTTY] Page'

If you go there, you find: SuperPuTTY is available in both Binary and Source Form from our GitHub project page -> this linkify is not existing

as well: if you public google 'Download Superputty' you first get to https://www.puttygen.com/superputty#SuperPuTTY_download don't know, if this is as well in your hands ...just wanted to say..

all not a bug issue, but confusing..... /hans

jimradford commented 1 year ago

That is somebody elses page (puttygen), so I can't assist in them causing confusion