jimschubert / NewTab-Redirect

NewTab Redirect! is an extension for Google Chrome which allows the user to replace the page displayed when creating a new tab.
MIT License
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Local file stopped working on Brave 1.59.117 #221

Closed serpro69 closed 7 months ago

serpro69 commented 9 months ago

After upgrading brave-browser from 1.57.64 to 1.59.117, the extension no longer opens up the local file on new tab, instead just opens a blank page. Downgrading brave fixes the issue, so it's something they "broke" or "restricted" in one of later versions that probably needs to be accounted for on the extension side of things?

OS Info:

$ lsb_release -a
Distributor ID: Ubuntu
Description:    Ubuntu 22.04.3 LTS
Release:        22.04
Codename:       jammy

$ uname -sr
Linux 6.2.0-34-generic
serpro69 commented 9 months ago

Could be related to https://github.com/jimschubert/NewTab-Redirect/issues/218 ?

jimschubert commented 8 months ago

Chrome introduced a new option for local file access. I assume the same option exists on Brave which is based on Chromium. See the screenshot in #222.

It's definitely related to #218 because to resolve that issue, the extension had to be updated to Manifest v3 since they no longer allow publishing of v2.

jimschubert commented 7 months ago

see https://github.com/jimschubert/NewTab-Redirect/blob/master/README.md#missing-local-files