jimu-gh / Kashi

Touch Bar widget that displays the lyrics of the current song in Spotify, Music, or YouTube. Written in Python, AppleScript, and JavaScript.
GNU General Public License v3.0
56 stars 14 forks source link

Error While Running : List Index Out of Range #1

Open KhaVNguyen opened 5 years ago

KhaVNguyen commented 5 years ago

I tried running Kashi through a separate Python file and also within BTT, but keep getting stuck on Line 117 with the following error:

  File "/Users/khanguyen/Downloads/kashi.py", line 140, in <module>
  File "/Users/khanguyen/Downloads/kashi.py", line 20, in main
    player_artist = player_data[1].lower()
IndexError: list index out of range

Now, when I set Background=False, I get the following error:

  File "/Users/khanguyen/Downloads/kashi.py", line 140, in <module>
  File "/Users/khanguyen/Downloads/kashi.py", line 12, in main
    code, output, err = getPlayerInfo()
  File "/Users/khanguyen/Downloads/kashi.py", line 84, in getPlayerInfo
    ''', background=False)
  File "/Users/khanguyen/anaconda3/lib/python3.6/site-packages/osascript/__init__.py", line 17, in run
    r = runcmd.run(cmd, background=background)
  File "/Users/khanguyen/anaconda3/lib/python3.6/site-packages/runcmd/__init__.py", line 149, in run
    return Command().run(args, cwd=cwd, background=background)
  File "/Users/khanguyen/anaconda3/lib/python3.6/site-packages/runcmd/__init__.py", line 143, in run
    return Process(process, background)
  File "/Users/khanguyen/anaconda3/lib/python3.6/site-packages/runcmd/__init__.py", line 17, in __init__
    out, err = process.communicate()
  File "/Users/khanguyen/anaconda3/lib/python3.6/subprocess.py", line 863, in communicate
    stdout, stderr = self._communicate(input, endtime, timeout)
  File "/Users/khanguyen/anaconda3/lib/python3.6/subprocess.py", line 1578, in _communicate
  File "/Users/khanguyen/anaconda3/lib/python3.6/subprocess.py", line 760, in _translate_newlines
    data = data.decode(encoding, errors)
UnicodeDecodeError: 'ascii' codec can't decode byte 0xe2 in position 93: ordinal not in range(128)
jmkd3v commented 4 years ago

Still no fix.

triemilalim commented 2 years ago

I changed the Apple script and change what to find from the genius API response, the lyric now shown in the touch bar, but with no space, and turns out it's not synced lyric 😃

import re import requests import json import osascript import hashlib from bs4 import BeautifulSoup from io import open

def main(): code, output, err = getBrowserAndPlayerData()


current_data = output.split(', ')
# Separate output
player_data = current_data[0:4]
browser_data = current_data[4:]
# Process player and browser data
player_type, player_artist, player_song, player_state = processPlayerData(
browser_type, browser_artist, browser_song, browser_state = processBrowserData(
# Determine priority, player or browser
priority = (playerOrBrowser(
    player_type, player_state, browser_type, browser_state))
# print(priority)
if priority == "player":
    artist = player_artist
    song = player_song
elif priority == "browser":
    artist = browser_artist
    song = browser_song
# Remove extra information from title
song = cleanSong(song)
artist_1, artist_2 = multipleArtistCheck(artist)
# Prepare array of artists
artist_array = [artist, artist_1, artist_2]
# print('\nPlayer Full Artist: ' + artist + '\nPlayer Artist 1: ' + artist_1 + '\nPlayer Artist 2: ' + artist_2 + '\nPlayer Song: ' + player_song)
# Access Genius API 'https://docs.genius.com'
accesstoken = 'ORYExHGED-rUDNu6wEqCt42NCg9nFuBiCiVKAYkjSrS6aQ1RHdyyjp5gl7GlpXZH'
headers = {'Authorization': 'Bearer ' + accesstoken, 'User-Agent': 'Kashi',
           'Accept': 'application/json', 'Host': 'api.genius.com'}
params = {'q': artist + ' ' + song}
hits = requests.get('https://api.genius.com/search',
                    params=params, headers=headers).json()['response']['hits']

# print(hits)
# for hit in hits:
    # print ("Artist: " + hit['result']['primary_artist']['name'] + "\nSong: " + hit['result']['full_title'])
hitcount = 0
if len(hits) > 0:
    # Get info from top search hit that contains player artist
    while hitcount < len(hits) - 1 and not any([x in hits[hitcount]['result']['primary_artist']['name'].lower() for x in artist_array]):
        hitcount += 1                                           # Go to next hit
    genius_artist = hits[hitcount]['result']['primary_artist']['name'].lower(
    genius_song = hits[hitcount]['result']['full_title'].lower()
    genius_url = hits[hitcount]['result']['url']
    # print('\nGenius Artist: ' + genius_artist + '\nGenius Song: ' + genius_song + '\nGenius URL: ' + genius_url + '\n')
    if any([y in genius_artist for y in artist_array]):
        # Parse Genius HTML with BeautifulSoup and format lyrics
        lyrics = parseAndFormat(genius_url)
        # FINAL STEP: Print to touch bar
        # Print music quote if lyrics not found

def getBrowserAndPlayerData():

print('running getBrowserAndPlayerData')

applescript = '''
on run
    if application "Music" is running then
        tell application "Music"
            set playerData to {"Music", artist of current track, name of current track, player state}
        end tell
        set playerData to {"none", "none", "none", "none"}
    end if

    if (application "Safari" is running) and (exists (front window of application "Safari")) then
        tell application "Safari"
            set browserData to {"Safari", name of current tab of front window}
        end tell
        set browserData to {"none", "none"}
    end if

    set currentData to {playerData, browserData}
    return currentData
end run
# print('selesai getBrowserAndPlayerData, hasilnya')
return osascript.run(applescript, background=False)

def processBrowserData(browser_data): browser_artist = browser_song = ""

Check that tab is a Youtube video

if " - YouTube" in browser_data[1]:
    # Remove  "Youtube" from title
    browser_data[1] = browser_data[1][0:-10]
    # Check for music video
    if " - " in browser_data[1]:
        # Music video likely. Parse for Artist/Song
        browser_artist = re.search(
            r'^([^\-]+)', browser_data[1]).group(0).strip().lower()
        browser_song = re.search(
            r'([^\-]+)$', browser_data[1]).group(0).strip().lower()
        browser_state = 'playing'
        # Music video not likely
        browser_state = 'paused'
    # Not a Youtube video page
    browser_state = 'paused'
return browser_data[0], browser_artist, browser_song, browser_state

def processPlayerData(player_data): player_type = player_data[0]

Recombine artist or title that may have been split up if commas in title

player_data = normalizeCommas(player_type, player_data)
player_artist = player_data[1].lower()
player_song = player_data[2].lower()
player_state = player_data[3].lower()
return player_type, player_artist, player_song, player_state

def playerOrBrowser(player_type, player_state, browser_type, browser_state): if player_state == "playing": return "player" elif browser_state == "playing": return "browser" else: return

def normalizeCommas(engine, player_data): while len(player_data) > 5: if engine == 'Music': # Music: Combine artists split by comma player_data[1] = player_data[1] + ', ' + player_data[2] player_data.pop(2) else: # Spotify: Combine songs split by comma player_data[2] = player_data[2] + ', ' + player_data[3] player_data.pop(3) return player_data

def cleanSong(songtitle):

Remove everything after dash

songtitle = re.sub(r' -.*$', '', songtitle)
songtitle = re.sub(r' \(.*\)', '', songtitle)   # Remove parentheses
songtitle = re.sub(r' \[.*\]', '', songtitle)   # Remove brackets
return songtitle

def multipleArtistCheck(artist): if '&' in artist: artist_1 = re.sub(r' \&.$', '', artist) artist_2 = re.sub(r'^.\& ', '', artist) else: artist_1 = 'n/a' artist_2 = 'n/a' return artist_1, artist_2

def parseAndFormat(url): source_soup = BeautifulSoup(requests.get( url).text, 'html.parser') # Parse HTML

Get text from the lyrics

lyricstext = source_soup.find('div', id='lyrics-root').get_text()
# print(lyricstext)
# lyricstext = source_soup.find('div', class_='lyrics').get_text()
# Remove song sections in brackets
# lyricstext = re.sub(r'\[.*\n*.*\]', '', lyricstext).strip()
# Remove parentheticals
# lyricstext = re.sub(r'\(.*\n*.*\)', '', lyricstext).strip()
# while '\n\n' in lyricstext:                                         # Line breaks, flatten, and replace
    # lyricstext = lyricstext.replace('\n\n', '\n')
# lyricstext = lyricstext.replace('\n', ', ').replace('?,', '?').replace('!,', '!').replace(' ,', ',').replace(
    # ' .', '.').replace('.,', '.').replace(',.', '.').replace('...', '..').replace('...', '..').replace('  ', ' ')

# print(lyricstext)
return lyricstext

def printWisdom(player_song): wisdom = [ '\"Music expresses that which cannot be said and on which it is impossible to be silent.\" - Victor Hugo ', '\"If music be the food of love, play on.\" - William Shakespeare ', '\"Where words fail, music speaks.\" - Hans Christian Anderson ', '\"One good thing about music, when it hits you, you feel no pain.\" - Bob Marley ', '\"And those who were seen dancing were thought to be insane by those who could not hear the music.\" - Nietzsche ', '\"There is geometry in the humming of the strings, there is music in the spacing of the spheres.\" - Pythagoras ', '\"You are the music while the music lasts.\" - T. S. Eliot ', '\"After silence, that which comes nearest to expressing the inexpressible is music.\" - Aldous Huxley ' ]

Hash songname for constant quote when script refires

songhash = hashlib.sha224(player_song.encode('utf-8')).hexdigest()
songhash_int = int(songhash, base=16)
# Reduce hash to within array length
print(wisdom[(songhash_int % (len(wisdom) + 1)) - 1])

if name == 'main': main()