jimurl / gnfac-d6-d8

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improve input for Wx log form #315

Closed jimurl closed 5 years ago

jimurl commented 6 years ago

Data is displayed on the 'Weather and avalanche log' page; and also the regional conditions pages ( precip & wind history for 3 days ).

jimurl commented 6 years ago

On weather log form, at bottom, each region: remove precip and wind fields, add precip station ( and wind station ; or one dropdown with different combos ) drop downs; add five more fields: SWE, Snow depth, wind avg, gust, wind dir. these five get auto-populated based on the selection from precip station. See several posts down for details on how this combines with /weather page maps (popups with recent data ).

drop 'northern areas' and 'southern areas' text areas; instead, this data is populated from the 5 precip and wind fields above, for each of the regions; using weather station names + data as entered by forecaster ( not Wx station auto pop ).

'Avalanche activity' field- also drop this. It will be populated from avalanche occurance log, see next post.

Only fields left at the top of this page are 'wind speed' and 'wind dir' ( all regions summary , still entered by forecaster); and Notes.

jimurl commented 6 years ago

Aval occurrence log - new node type, avalanche_occurrence, with fields: location, type, trigger, D size, R size, Layers, prob type, C/B/K, etc.... Info from here will populate resources -> accidents -> incidents page.

Also populates 'Avalanche activity' on the Wx and Avalanche Log page. promote 'Date Created' to prominent location and use that for 'date of avalanche' - no need for addition date field here. Multiple nodes of this type per day are allowed; repeat multiple av_occurances on 'Wx and avalanche log', for previous 24 hours ( whoa, gets tricky there, I think ). ( is this how it is dealt with, when forecasters learn about a av occurrence several days later, just update the weather log for that day, right? ).

Perhaps display this ( as a static field ) on the related 'Wx log' page during node creation.

jimurl commented 6 years ago

Couple of clarification questions:

1) Can we get rid of the old fields that have to do with the weather log? For example, some of these are from our original system on the old d6 website, those fields were on the advisory node form.

Many of them also are on the Weather log form that you guys filled out last year. Most of those fields won't be used, they'll be hidden, but I'd like to get rid of them altogether, if that's OK.

2) Do you guys want to track temp in the weather log?

jimurl commented 6 years ago
  1. We ( you all ) will need to figure out weather stations combos that you will see in all seven dropdowns for 'weather station'. For example 'Brackett + Bridger ridge'. I'm assuming there would be just two weather stations for each option, but there could be more.

  2. IN the dropdown, I append the date/ time of the most recent measurement that we have stored locally on the server. This data is refreshed for a particular station every time someone visits that weather station page . The map with the popups represents the same ( possibly out of date ) data.

jimurl commented 6 years ago
  1. I am making the 'Avalanche incidents' node type. Is it cool if , for the Location field, we use a fixed series in a dropdown list, pulled from the 'Placenames' nodes? The other option is an open text field.
dougchabot commented 6 years ago

5. We need an open text field for Location

3. I will let Alex decide on that.

2. Since it'll be auto populated, might as well track it. Hi/Lo?? Current? Alex: let me know what you think.

1. Yes, I think so, but I'll let Alex have the last word on it.

dougchabot commented 6 years ago

FYI, the numbers above are bogus hyperlinks.

jimurl commented 6 years ago

placenames becomes a subselect of 'region' - some clientside jquery

jimurl commented 6 years ago

two different dropdowns, for precip and wind.

link on form page to the weather map- popup.

use 24 hour difference for precip- will need to be stored in table string.

jimurl commented 6 years ago

tabbing on chrome

amarienthal commented 6 years ago

Avalanche log entry: We may want to reorder things in the dropdowns, but I can figure out later what are 'most frequent' for each field. Fields (optional) that need to be added: Elevation, Aspect, width(?), avg-max crown depth(?)

The first entry I made (in July) shows up on the incidents page, but the incidents box is not checked.

Is there a way to enter a new Location that then gets added to the list?

Can we add a photo(s) with the avalanche incidents that would populate on the photos page? The photo caption could be from the 'notes' or a few of the most relevent fields (or all the fields). Or, link to photos from the photos page by selection, similar to the advisory or other pages that host photos? Maybe a thumbnail would populate in the last column of the incidents log.

Where info from this database is accessed and publicly viewed: First, the weather and avalanche log; the short description gets listed under avalanche activity column for that date in the weather log. Maybe these descriptions are hyperlinked to the full avalanche description/photos. Second, in the incidents log, if incidents is clicked, then the short description and location (maybe photos) are listed. Third, a new page that shows all the avalanche activity log entries, basically in a database style table. Maybe this isn't public to start, but I don't see any reason not. I will want a way to query this data. Even if it is just an easy download to .csv to start (same for the weather data).

amarienthal commented 6 years ago

...Probably should have the map to click on as well/a field to enter coordinates.

jimurl commented 6 years ago

avy incidents node fields: SWAG fields from SWAG include properties,,, and

amarienthal commented 6 years ago

For weather log:

Avalanche events entry/log:

amarienthal commented 5 years ago

On weather log entry: Is there a way to have "N/A" for wind speed/direction on the regional pages? Maybe if enter -99 or something, it populates the regional page with N/A for 24 hour wind. Sometimes there just isn't wind data for all regions, like early season.

jimurl commented 5 years ago

Yes, you can enter N/A into the wind direction box, and leave the other two blank. On the regional advisory pages, this will just put N/A in the '24 hour wind and snowfall' box.

For the speeds: I tweaked this as well. If you leave them blank, the dash is now not shown. And you can put in only a 'Wind speed' value and skip 'wind gust' if you like. If you enter a wind gust, but no wind speed ( which doesn't make sense ) , then nothing will show up on the regional page.

jimurl commented 5 years ago

This project is complete!