jimweirich / builder

Provide a simple way to create XML markup and data structures.
MIT License
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Add to_s #42

Open mperham opened 11 years ago

mperham commented 11 years ago

I've used Builder for several projects over the last few years and every time I make the same API mistake: I use #to_s to finalize the built document.

xml = Builder::XmlMarkup.new
xml.foo do
return xml.to_s

Only to find that I've injected an extra, unwanted <to_s/> element. A naive approach might try this:

class Builder::XmlMarkup
  def to_s

But I know you just require the :<< method, thus allowing direct IO, which can't convert to a String. Perhaps something like this:

class Builder::XmlMarkup
  def to_s
    raise ArgumentError, "Cannot coerce #{@target.class.name} to String" unless @target.is_a?(String)


jimweirich commented 11 years ago

I try to avoid all normal method names on the MarkUp object to avoid clashes with XML tag names. Will someone have an XML tag named "to_s"? Probably not, but I'm not in fond of setting a precedent.

mperham commented 11 years ago

What about alias_method :to_s!, :target!? At least that will trigger recognition in the mind of the developer.

mperham commented 11 years ago

Or maybe not an alias but the method I gave above.

jimweirich commented 11 years ago

I'm ok with the to_s! method, (provided it fails for non-string targets). But I'm not seeing how it actually solves the problem of forgetting that to_s doesn't actually exist.

mperham commented 11 years ago

Because it jogs the memory when reading the documentation. When looking through the methods on the object, target! looks like another XML declaration whereas to_s! would make me investigate that method because that's really what the developer is looking for: "how do I convert this thing to a String?"

jc00ke commented 9 years ago

I think this causes an issue with pry and irb too, unless I'm misunderstanding it. Builder::XmlMarkup#inspect is being treated like a tag, which makes it hard to explore in a console.

irb(main):024:0> builder = Builder::XmlMarkup.new
=> <inspect/>
irb(main):025:0> builder
=> <inspect/><inspect/>
irb(main):026:0> builder
=> <inspect/><inspect/><inspect/>

It seems like a few methods, #to_s, #inspect and #object_id for example, should not modify the instance.