jimywork / shodanwave

Shodanwave is a tool for exploring and obtaining information from Netwave IP Camera.
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Unicode equal comparison failed #14

Open h3dw1g opened 6 years ago

h3dw1g commented 6 years ago

I don't know how the tool works, but this happened which might not seem intended: Unicode equal comparison failed

MBP:shodanwave $ python shodanwave.py -k KEY
         __              __                                   
   _____/ /_  ____  ____/ /___ _____ _      ______ __   _____ 
  / ___/ __ \/ __ \/ __  / __ `/ __ \ | /| / / __ `/ | / / _ \
 (__  ) / / / /_/ / /_/ / /_/ / / / / |/ |/ / /_/ /| |/ /  __/
/____/_/ /_/\____/\__,_/\__,_/_/ /_/|__/|__/\__,_/ |___/\___/ 

This tool is successfully connected to shodan service
Information the use of this tool is illegal, not bad.

[+] Shodan successfully Connected.
[+] Netwave Exploit Enabled.
[+] Netwave IP Camera Found: 82071
[!] Disable password discovery module? (Yes/no): no
[+] Launching brute force on host
[-] not found
[!] Getting System Information
[!] Getting Wireless System Information
[+] Mac address found 006E0606731F
[+] Host:
[+] Country: Germany
[+] City: Berlin
[+] Organization: O2 Deutschland
[+] Product: Netwave IP camera http config
[!] Error: Wireless lan is disabled..
[+] Starting to read memory dump.. this could take a few minutes
[+] CTRL+C to exit..
[+] Strings in binary data found.. password should be around line 10000
shodanwave.py:348: UnicodeWarning: Unicode equal comparison failed to convert both arguments to Unicode - interpreting them as being unequal
  if line == macaddr:
Stahlz commented 6 years ago

If the author doesn't take a look at it, I will.