jimz011 / homekit-infused

Homekit Infused 5 2023
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view per person #179

Open NopeFinder opened 1 year ago

NopeFinder commented 1 year ago

is there a way to have a completely different view per person? as in a different dashboard based on who is logged in? I know state-switch can show different cards per person, but then I can't get the buttons to look as they do in hki (or I might be doing something wrong?) I live with other people and we don't want to see the lights for the rooms that aren't ours for example.

dnestico commented 1 year ago

Think you need HKI5 for this.

May upgrade soon if it's not too hard, will have too see.

NopeFinder commented 1 year ago

I am using HKI5, have not found a way to do this though

jimz011 commented 1 year ago

There was a way to do something like this, but with the newer versions of HA and the new browser_mod this might have changed. For now I have added this to my todo list and I will see what is possible with this.

In the meantime I will suggest using state switch (this won't work on HKI addons though, you will have to use the custom addon to use that).

jimz011 commented 1 year ago

If you want to show an entirely different dashboard per person and not just views, just make that dashboard the default on the specific users device. It is not possible to predetermine which dashboard will be shown for which user.

There are some solutions like browser mod, but they do not really do what you are looking for I think.

jimz011 commented 1 year ago

If you want to show an entirely different dashboard per person and not just views, just make that dashboard the default on the specific users device. It is not possible to predetermine which dashboard will be shown for which user.

There are some solutions like browser mod, but they do not really do what you are looking for I think.

NopeFinder commented 1 year ago

Might be missing something but how exactly would i make a second dashboard that's also using hki?