jimz011 / homekit-infused

Homekit Infused 5 2023
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HKI giving error while loading after adding plant status in view #194

Closed robinwalas closed 1 year ago

robinwalas commented 1 year ago

When adding plant status addon in a view and after restarting i've got an unsuspected error in lovelace. After searching for a while i've discovered an error in "hki-base/base.yaml"

Line 269 --> "- addons/media-player.yaml" has to be "- addons/plant-status.yaml"

                  # Plant Status // *Can be removed
                  {% if 'plant_status' in addon %}
                  - !include 
                    - addons/media-player.yaml
                    - config: {{ config|tojson }}
                  {% endif %}

Schermafbeelding 2022-11-13 om 19 04 11

jimz011 commented 1 year ago

Thanks for the find, I will fix it

robinwalas commented 1 year ago

No problem! I had discovered this already a while ago, but forgot to report. Now after updating to the newest version, i've got this error again, and after searching i had found the solution again.

jimz011 commented 1 year ago

This has been fixed in the last update.