Closed soans1994 closed 3 years ago
I have not used tensorflow before, but I think it would be easy to train the model using tensorflow.
thank you. which framework did you use for implementation.
We use pytorch for implementation, the MMPose codebase. Please check it.
thank you. i will check it
while creating the whole body annotations for coco dataset, did you use landmark keypoint face detection model to extract the facial points? or did you manual annotation. and what about the foot annotations.
For face/hand keypoints, we first use models pre-trained on a collection of different datasets to obtain psudo-labels, then we manually correct the mislabeled keypoints. For foot keypoints, we directly manually label the keypoints. More details can be found in the paper.
thank you very much for your response
i have some doubts regarding face keypoints. can you please look into it.
thank you
hello again,
when i use the face keypoints from whole body json, i get some error for a sample in between, like SystemError: tile cannot extend outside image Is there some problem with the bbox values? Other works good all 68 landmarks. did any other people get similar error.
Thank you
hello author,
thank you for the full body dataset. can this dataset be used to train a model with tensorflow? will it slow down the realtime performance in terms of fps?
thank you