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Unsuccessful TensorSliceReader Constructor with pretrained BERT #428

Open JulianGerhard21 opened 5 years ago

JulianGerhard21 commented 5 years ago


System information


I'm using this command to start the server:

bert-serving-start -model_dir bert-cased-german/

Then this issue shows up:

                 ARG   VALUE
           ckpt_name = bert_model.ckpt
         config_name = bert_config.json
                cors = *
                 cpu = False
          device_map = []
       do_lower_case = True
  fixed_embed_length = False
                fp16 = False
 gpu_memory_fraction = 0.5
       graph_tmp_dir = None
    http_max_connect = 10
           http_port = None
        mask_cls_sep = False
      max_batch_size = 256
         max_seq_len = 25
           model_dir = bert-cased-german/
          num_worker = 1
       pooling_layer = [-2]
    pooling_strategy = REDUCE_MEAN
                port = 5555
            port_out = 5556
       prefetch_size = 10
 priority_batch_size = 16
show_tokens_to_client = False
     tuned_model_dir = None
             verbose = False
                 xla = False

I:VENTILATOR:[__i:__i: 67]:freeze, optimize and export graph, could take a while...
WARNING: Logging before flag parsing goes to stderr.
I0731 08:09:07.672543 140386794571584 __init__.py:67] freeze, optimize and export graph, could take a while...
W0731 08:09:07.679953 140386794571584 deprecation_wrapper.py:119] From /root/bert_venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/bert_serving/server/helper.py:180: The name tf.logging.set_verbosity is deprecated. Please use tf.compat.v1.logging.set_verbosity instead.

W0731 08:09:07.680354 140386794571584 deprecation_wrapper.py:119] From /root/bert_venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/bert_serving/server/helper.py:180: The name tf.logging.ERROR is deprecated. Please use tf.compat.v1.logging.ERROR instead.

I:GRAPHOPT:[gra:opt: 52]:model config: bert-cased-german/bert_config.json
I0731 08:09:07.682091 140386794571584 graph.py:52] model config: bert-cased-german/bert_config.json
I:GRAPHOPT:[gra:opt: 55]:checkpoint: bert-cased-german/bert_model.ckpt
I0731 08:09:07.682227 140386794571584 graph.py:55] checkpoint: bert-cased-german/bert_model.ckpt
I:GRAPHOPT:[gra:opt: 59]:build graph...
I0731 08:09:07.683006 140386794571584 graph.py:59] build graph...
E:GRAPHOPT:[gra:opt:150]:fail to optimize the graph!
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/root/bert_venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/bert_serving/server/graph.py", line 81, in optimize_graph
    ) = modeling.get_assignment_map_from_checkpoint(tvars, init_checkpoint)
  File "/root/bert_venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/bert_serving/server/bert/modeling.py", line 331, in get_assignment_map_from_checkpoint
    init_vars = tf.train.list_variables(init_checkpoint)
  File "/root/bert_venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/tensorflow/python/training/checkpoint_utils.py", line 97, in list_variables
    reader = load_checkpoint(ckpt_dir_or_file)
  File "/root/bert_venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/tensorflow/python/training/checkpoint_utils.py", line 66, in load_checkpoint
    return pywrap_tensorflow.NewCheckpointReader(filename)
  File "/root/bert_venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/tensorflow/python/pywrap_tensorflow_internal.py", line 636, in NewCheckpointReader
    return CheckpointReader(compat.as_bytes(filepattern))
  File "/root/bert_venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/tensorflow/python/pywrap_tensorflow_internal.py", line 648, in __init__
    this = _pywrap_tensorflow_internal.new_CheckpointReader(filename)
tensorflow.python.framework.errors_impl.NotFoundError: Unsuccessful TensorSliceReader constructor: Failed to find any matching files for bert-cased-german/bert_model.ckpt
E0731 08:09:11.066254 140386794571584 graph.py:150] fail to optimize the graph!
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/root/bert_venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/bert_serving/server/graph.py", line 81, in optimize_graph
    ) = modeling.get_assignment_map_from_checkpoint(tvars, init_checkpoint)
  File "/root/bert_venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/bert_serving/server/bert/modeling.py", line 331, in get_assignment_map_from_checkpoint
    init_vars = tf.train.list_variables(init_checkpoint)
  File "/root/bert_venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/tensorflow/python/training/checkpoint_utils.py", line 97, in list_variables
    reader = load_checkpoint(ckpt_dir_or_file)
  File "/root/bert_venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/tensorflow/python/training/checkpoint_utils.py", line 66, in load_checkpoint
    return pywrap_tensorflow.NewCheckpointReader(filename)
  File "/root/bert_venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/tensorflow/python/pywrap_tensorflow_internal.py", line 636, in NewCheckpointReader
    return CheckpointReader(compat.as_bytes(filepattern))
  File "/root/bert_venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/tensorflow/python/pywrap_tensorflow_internal.py", line 648, in __init__
    this = _pywrap_tensorflow_internal.new_CheckpointReader(filename)
tensorflow.python.framework.errors_impl.NotFoundError: Unsuccessful TensorSliceReader constructor: Failed to find any matching files for bert-cased-german/bert_model.ckpt
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/root/bert_venv/bin/bert-serving-start", line 10, in <module>
  File "/root/bert_venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/bert_serving/server/cli/__init__.py", line 4, in main
    with BertServer(get_run_args()) as server:
  File "/root/bert_venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/bert_serving/server/__init__.py", line 71, in __init__
    self.graph_path, self.bert_config = pool.apply(optimize_graph, (self.args,))
TypeError: 'NoneType' object is not iterable

The content of the model dir:

bert-base-german-cased.index bert-base-german-cased.meta bert-base-german.data-00000-of-00001 bert_config.json vocab.txt

I followed the Chinese Law Tutorial on the same machine and it works perfectly. Since I want to evaluate document classification especially for german, I want to serve the features for this pretrained BERT - tensorflow-version.


qiu-nian commented 5 years ago

@JulianGerhard21 hello! have you fixed this bug? I have the same proflem

harper25 commented 5 years ago


First, rename: bert-base-german.data-00000-of-00001 to bert-base-german-cased.data-00000-of-00001 so that you have index, meta and data files with the same name. The content of the folder should look like this:


Now, you need to pass an additional parameter to bert-serving-start:

bert-serving-start -model_dir <folder-name> -ckpt_name bert-base-german-cased

This is because Bert expects ckpt_name = bert_model.ckpt by default, as shown in the log under ARG VALUE table.

Another option would be to rename index, meta and data files to bert_model.ckpt.index, etc.

binhna commented 4 years ago


First, rename: bert-base-german.data-00000-of-00001 to bert-base-german-cased.data-00000-of-00001 so that you have index, meta and data files with the same name. The content of the folder should look like this:


Now, you need to pass an additional parameter to bert-serving-start:

bert-serving-start -model_dir <folder-name> -ckpt_name bert-base-german-cased

This is because Bert expects ckpt_name = bert_model.ckpt by default, as shown in the log under ARG VALUE table.

Another option would be to rename index, meta and data files to bert_model.ckpt.index, etc.

It worked, but in my case, you have to rename 3 files index, meta and data to bert_model. If you add an additional param like -ckpt_name bert-base-german-cased, it will assume that you have a subfolder inside the pretrained model named bert-base-german-cased.

Thanks anyway

meilanglang commented 4 years ago

hello! have you fixed this bug? I have the same proflem

anastasia-zhukova commented 3 years ago

@meilanglang I made it work for me: 1) tensorflow==1.15.0 (tensorflow-gpu==1.15.0) Make sure to have CUDA = 10.0 installed 2) bert-serving-server==1.9.9 3) rename checkpoint files to:

For debugging purpose, I used the following script from https://www.programmersought.com/article/20774372335/:


from bert_serving.server import BertServer
from bert_serving.server.helper import get_args_parser
def main():
    args = get_args_parser().parse_args(['-model_dir', r'C:\Users\annaz\PycharmProjects\bert-server\bert-base-german-cased',
                                         '-port', '86500',
                                         '-port_out', '86501',
                                         '-max_seq_len', '512',
                                        '-num_worker', '1',
                                         # '-cpu',
                                         '-max_batch_size', '1'
    bs = BertServer(args)
    print("bert server start....")

if __name__ == "__main__":


from bert_serving.client import BertClient
bc = BertClient(port=86500, port_out=86501, show_server_config=True, timeout=100000)
vec = bc.encode(['test', 'test 2'])

Running the command from the terminal still doesn't work for me, but this client-server code in .py files does it job.