jina-ai / discoart

🪩 Create Disco Diffusion artworks in one line
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Docker instructions come up with blank Jupyter with no notebooks available #182

Open chrisbward opened 1 year ago

chrisbward commented 1 year ago
cd discoart
docker build . -t jinaai/discoart
discoart git:(main) docker run -p 51000:8888 -v $(pwd):/home/jovyan/ -v $HOME/.cache:/root/.cache --gpus all jinaai/discoart

I'm able to access the Jupyter app, but.... "The notebook list is empty." No files?

chrisbward commented 1 year ago

Taken a look through the Dockerfile - nothing obvious to me!

chrisbward commented 1 year ago

Attached to the container and...

root@42f2412a2a9a:/home/jovyan# ls
CHANGELOG.md  CREDITS  Dockerfile  FEATURES.md  LICENSE  MANIFEST.in  README.md  discoart  discoart.ipynb  scripts  setup.py  tests
chrisbward commented 1 year ago

Ok fixed it, will send out a PR now

chrisbward commented 1 year ago
