jinatonic / confetti

An Android particle system library for displaying confetti!
Apache License 2.0
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Canvas: trying to use a recycled bitmap #12

Closed krokyze closed 7 years ago

krokyze commented 7 years ago


I'm extending Confetto class to make my custom animation. This is all what I have:

protected void drawInternal(Canvas canvas, Matrix matrix, Paint paint, float x, float y,
                                float rotation, float percentAnimated) {

        float scaleX = ((rotation % 720) - 180) / 180.0f;
        if (scaleX > 1f) {
            scaleX = 1f - (scaleX - 1f);
        float centerXDiff = (getWidth() * scaleX) / 2;

        if (scaleX < 0f) {
            matrix.preTranslate(x + Math.abs(centerXDiff), y);
        } else {
            matrix.preTranslate(x - Math.abs(centerXDiff), y);

        matrix.preRotate(rotation, 0, bitmapCenterY);
        matrix.preScale(scaleX, 1f);

        canvas.drawBitmap(bitmap, matrix, paint);

I cannot reproduce by myself, but I have a bunch of users having a fatal exception when last line "canvas.drawBitmap" gets called. What could be the problem? I checked your source code and couldn't find a place where you call bitmap.recycle().

This is the stacktrace:

Fatal Exception: java.lang.RuntimeException: Canvas: trying to use a recycled bitmap android.graphics.Bitmap@1bafec58
       at android.graphics.Canvas.throwIfCannotDraw(Canvas.java:1225)
       at android.view.GLES20Canvas.drawBitmap(GLES20Canvas.java:589)
       at MyCustomConfetto.drawInternal(MyCustomConfetto.java:57)
       at com.github.jinatonic.confetti.confetto.Confetto.getWidth(Confetto.java:342)
       at com.github.jinatonic.confetti.confetto.Confetto.getWidth(Confetto.java:332)
       at com.github.jinatonic.confetti.ConfettiView.onDraw(ConfettiView.java:132)
krokyze commented 7 years ago

Just found out Glide was recycling those bitmaps.