jingjie-li / ECGMonitor

A ECG/Oximeter Monitor design using TI's AFE4400 and ADS1293 IC, and MSP430MCU. Also we have an Android app to display waveform.
MIT License
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MSP Androide Communicate Protocol #8

Open jingjie-li opened 6 years ago

jingjie-li commented 6 years ago

Android Send Command:

M - Normal Mode- Mobile receiving data (5-Lead ECG) N - Normal Mode(3-Lead ECG) F - AFE Only Mode - Turnoff ADS and only receive AFE PPG data. Encoding Formant not change, ADS data fills zero. A - ADS Only Mode (5-Leads) B - ADS Only Mode (3-Leads) T - Stop & Wait Mode

X - Select CH I Y - Select CH II Z - Select CH III

Abnormal Situation:

Receiving all 0 in ECG Data: Leads off Receiving all 0 in PPG Data: SPO2 Probe off Receiving all 1 in PPG Data: Fingers not in.

jingjie-li commented 6 years ago


TimothyZero commented 6 years ago

M :start - Both (PPG + ECG) T :stop F :AFE only - PPG A :ADS only - ECG X,Y,Z: select lead 3,5 :3-lead 5-lead

jingjie-li commented 6 years ago

Defaultly, we are reading in channel 2, which is Y mode

jingjie-li commented 6 years ago

First testing on APP has been done by jl.

M mode Works well, lead selection and 3/5 lead switching functions are performing well.

The main problem I think is still the ECG waveform stability. In my opinion, only using FIFO to compute the baseline is not enough, what you might want to do, is to set a threshold when adding data into the FIFO, you can look at my processing code, there is a lot of functions like boolean isabnormal(int data)

So we'll ignore too large or small value when computing baseline, in that case, we even ignore R wave in ECG, maybe our baseline problem is due to that R wave.

The AFE only and ADS only mode works totally bad, the display is a huge mass. You might want to look at that carefully.