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Forms/Validation / error states - Identifying Errors #18

Open jinky32 opened 9 years ago

jinky32 commented 9 years ago

Requirement: When submitting information using forms, any errors made by the user that are automatically detected should be identified on the web page, and the error described to the user in text.


WCAG Reference: This corresponds to WCAG 3.3. http://www.w3.org/TR/UNDERSTANDING-WCAG20/minimize-error.html

papafed commented 9 years ago

As a not-incompatible point of usability and security, we should a) prevent users from making errors in the first place by using things like dropdowns where appropriate, preventing the submission of incomplete forms, etc, and b) shy away from overly prescriptive validation (such as for phone number or email addresses) and instead favour sanitising these inputs on the server side (so accept any phone number format with spaces, braces, hyphens etc, then convert it server-side to pure numbers, for example)