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Reusable YouTube Component (Franklin) #37

Open WillettLuke opened 9 years ago

WillettLuke commented 9 years ago


Team Franklin are looking to build a reusable YouTube component in Fatwire and are looking for some feedback and requirements from both a Dev and Design perspective.


The aim for the component is to make it easier for sitebuilders to embed YouTube video's into their pages. It will also give team's the ability to easily customise the embedded video from a functional perspective, for example, choosing the height, width of the player; being able to choose whether the video starts on page load or after a 5 second delay etc. These features would be easily editable attributes within a ThreeWeb asset.


A final solution is yet to be confirmed, however from initial discussion with Justin Beasley he has expressed interest in using the YouTube iframe API which will be embedded into a template in Fatwire. Using the API opens up some additional features to customise the video component with allowing for greater flexibility. If a decision is made not to use the API, we can still create the component using the normal embedded iframe method but still place this within a template so that it can be used with a ThreeWeb asset and easily editable by sitebuilders.


Team Franklin are looking to get this started in their next sprint (Starting 30/07/15).

It would be great to get some feedback from the audience on here to understand the appetite for creating such a component and the way in which we should build it.

andyacourt commented 9 years ago

Not sure if this is any help:

video_list_mobile This was the original concept i designed for the new device page in support. It needs updating with some notes added on how i see it working. prototype is here: http://www.three.co.uk/Support/Galaxy_S5

What you cant really see in the image is that when you click on a video it will expand in size. (full width on mobile and a larger version on desktop which would hide the other videos) The user still has the choice to play it full screen.

LucPestille-Three commented 9 years ago

I think there's only a couple of types of embed we should use, and the options given to a sitebuilder should be very limited - having seen them used all over the place in the brand campaign and Feel at Home page, these two seem the most logical;

1) A standard 16:9 embed - this should be responsive, and stretch to fill its container, needing interacting with to start playback. 2) A 16:9 embed that is initially covered by an image or a video loop (optionally at a different size ratio), with a button to reveal and play it (and a button to pause the loop if needed).

The size of the embed should be defined by its container, rather than explicitly on the player itself. The playback start time can be inferred from the URL you'd give the asset, so doesn't necessarily need to be an extra option.