jinlow / forust

A lightweight gradient boosted decision tree package.
Apache License 2.0
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Regression? #65

Closed ronniec95 closed 10 months ago

ronniec95 commented 10 months ago

Is there a way to get regression values?

jinlow commented 10 months ago

Regression is supported using “SquaredLoss“ via the objective_type.
in python…

from forust import GradientBooster
model = GradientBooster(objective_type="LogLoss")

In rust…

use forust_ml::GradientBooster;
use forust_ml::objective::ObjectiveType;
let model = GradientBooster::new().set_objective_type(ObjectiveType::SquaredLoss);
ronniec95 commented 10 months ago

Thank you; this worked great