jinpark / common-bot

common irc bot based from willie
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FR: Several new last.fm commands #19

Closed jwhxb2 closed 10 years ago

jwhxb2 commented 10 years ago

In order of priority:

  1. Rework the .lastfm command to take options to display different kinds of info and perform other last.fm related actions. These options should be a hyphen followed by a single lowercase letter, e.g. "-t" and should be specified after the .lastfm command and sometimes a last.fm username in a manner similar to:

.lastfm [last.fm username, uses linked name if omitted] -t [option-specific arguments go here]

  1. Add an option "-l" to .lastfm for linking IRC nicks to last.fm usernames to make using the other last.fm commands easier. If for any other last.fm command that takes a last.fm username as an argument, no username is specified, common will use the last.fm username linked to the nick of the person who sent the command. If no username is linked, it will display the message it does currently. Multiple nicks should be allowed to link to the same user.

Usage: [One argument: links specified username to sender]

.lastfm [last.fm username] -l [Two arguments: Links specified username to specified nick] .lastfm [last.fm username] -l [nick] Desired behavior: .lastfm Z_LAMP -l Bouncing_Bread [links to nick of person who sent the command] User "Z_LAMP" linked to Bouncing_Bread. .lastfm Z_LAMP -l [links to nick of sender] User "Z_LAMP" linked to Cerpin. .lastfm Last played Don't Be Afraid, You Have Just Got Your Eyes Closed by múm from the album Finally We Are No One - http://www.last.fm/music/m%C3%BAm/_/Don%27t+Be+Afraid,+You+Have+Just+Got+Your+Eyes+Closed 1. Add an option "-t" to display top 10 artists or songs over a specified interval. -t takes 3 arguments: the type of content to display (artists or tracks. maybe albums too, though that might require more work), the denomination of time the interval will be specified in(d [days], w [weeks], m [months] etc. ), and the interval itself (a numeric value). If no interval is specified, the command will use overall stats. Usage: .lastfm [username] -t [content type] [interval type] [interval] Desired behavior: .lastfm -t artists m 1 Your top 10 played artists for the past 1 month are: Brainiac (38 plays), múm (32 plays), Fluxion (23 plays), Main (19 plays), U.S. Maple (18 plays), NUMBER GIRL (16 plays), Mika Vainio (15 plays), bvdub (15 plays), Throbbing Gristle (14 plays), Sympathy Nervous (10 plays). .lastfm haste -t tracks Your top 10 played tracks are: MONORAL – kiri (517 plays) [.....]
jinpark commented 10 years ago

Whooo. thanks for the detailed report mr cerpin

jinpark commented 10 years ago
<Cerpin> .lastfm Z_LAMP -l Bouncing_Bread

Not sure if you meant to put Bouncing_Bread there. It'll just link your irc username to whatever whatever you give it past the -l ex. ``` .lastfm -l Z_LAMP ''' will link irc username cerpin to z_lamp

Add an option "-t" to display top 10 artists or songs over a specified interval. -t takes 3 arguments: the type of content to display (artists or tracks. maybe albums too, though that might require more work), the denomination of time the interval will be specified in(d [days], w [weeks], m [months] etc. ), and the interval itself (a numeric value). If no interval is specified, the command will use overall stats.
.lastfm [username] -t [content type] [interval type] [interval]

Not sure if this is worth doing? Doesn't seem like a real need :P Maybe just link to the url for the lastfm user?

jwhxb2 commented 10 years ago

.lastfm Z_LAMP -l would do the last thing you said, and the argument after -l is supposed to be if you want to specify a link other than your own to link

jinpark commented 10 years ago

making a list for myself

jinpark commented 10 years ago

@Cerpin try

.userinfo --lastfm z_lamp

Decided to make it a separate command so I can add things to it later and not make it lastfm specific and just make it userinfo specific.

jinpark commented 10 years ago

So I'm too lazy to do the month stuff for now.

jinpark commented 10 years ago

Closing this and will open new issue with just the time lastfm thingy