jinroh / kadoh

The Kademlia DHT in Javascript for Node.js and Browsers
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Re-write connection/disconnection flow #45

Open alexstrat opened 12 years ago

alexstrat commented 12 years ago

Ideas :

alexstrat commented 12 years ago

Now the transport part is a kind of sub-part of the reactor since it's instantiated in the reactor initialization. We should maybe separate and instantiate it in node and then pass it to the reactor as it.

jinroh commented 12 years ago

That may be a solution. However how should we handle the disconnection event emitted by the transport. Should it be managed internally by the transport and reported back if the problem persists, or handled by the reactor (or the node ??). Hmm..

alexstrat commented 12 years ago

This was just a matter of inititialization and reference to the transport. The reactor will still be listening to the transport. It is only not responsible to instantiante it anymore (it will be the node) and the node has a direct reference to it in case of it wants listen to it.

It doesn't fix anything, I just find it simpler..

jinroh commented 12 years ago

I don't think I explained well my concern. I wanted to stress how should we handle a disconnection from the transport. For instance, if Strophe emits a disconnection event, should the transport try to reconnect by itself first and then if it didn't succeed tell the reactor, or should the reactor handle the whole reconnection process ?

alexstrat commented 12 years ago

Ahh..Ok. I'm deeply convinced that this should be handled by the transport itself, and the reactor (and other) gets feedback on this through new kind of events and states (reconnecting, ..).

jinroh commented 12 years ago

Agree, we have to write down all the states of the Tranport, Reactor and Node objects to clear the flow control.