jinroh / kadoh

The Kademlia DHT in Javascript for Node.js and Browsers
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How-to "for dummies" #59

Open piranna opened 11 years ago

piranna commented 11 years ago

It would be nice to have "fools probe" tutorial about how to integrate and boot the library at least for the basic functionality, maybe with a step-by-step tutorial or example code or similar. The current example code it's very complete but also very abstract since it only shows how the library works, but for someone that doesn't know the terminology or how it's supposed Kademlia should be used it could be really annoying.

piranna commented 11 years ago

Some good basic example candidates would be:

1º how to generate unique IDs without a central server to assign them 2º how to get an object (a node) given it's unique ID 3º how to hash files with a developer defined hash algorythm and use it as ID 4º how to search an object (a file) given it's unique ID, getting a reference for it's duplicates and where they are