jinworks / CellChat

R toolkit for inference, visualization and analysis of cell-cell communication from single-cell and spatially resolved transcriptomics
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How to customize title in netVisual_aggregate plot?? #134

Open winner0809 opened 1 month ago

winner0809 commented 1 month ago

netVisual_aggregate function seems to return a recordedplot object, anyone knows how to customize the title or simply remove it?

sqjin commented 1 month ago

@winner0809 Is there any reason why you want to remove the title?

winner0809 commented 1 month ago

@sqjin there are many reasons users want to customize an plot, including removing the tile. For example in my case, group names are very long, making side-by-side circle plot titles overlapping each other not able to see; also, when making multi-panel figure consisting of dot plot, heatmap, circle plot of signaling, I want to remove individual title of each plot to reduce redundancy. Other plot functions in your package usually contain "title" or "title.name" etc parameter for customization, I wonder is there a reason aggregate plot function doesn't allow this?

I also have some general suggestions of your plot functions if you are open to them,

  1. I think it would be nice to have all plot functions have same named parameter for the same thing to improve consistency, such as the title name parameter I mentioned above.
  2. Can you make the output of plots in the same type? such as ggplot? rather than recordedplot, ggplot, grob, etc. Working with multiple types of plots for a figure can really be a pain for publishing.