jinxOAO / DSPmods_BepInEx

mods for DSP
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SuperOrbitalCollectors Mod prevents extraction of Fire Ice on Ice Gas Giants #25

Open Flam1ngDem0n opened 3 years ago

Flam1ngDem0n commented 3 years ago

As the title says, the SuperOrbitalCollectors mod prevents the extraction of Fire Ice when enabled. Disabled all other mods that SuperOrbitalCollectors is not dependent on and problem still persists.

This also goes for the Vanilla Orbital Collectors when SuperOrbitalCollectors is enabled. As they too do not extract Fire Ice. Disabling the Mod resolves this issue entirely.

Bummer since the SuperOrbitalCollectors is the only mod if it's kind.

jinxOAO commented 3 years ago

This mod provides two types of collectors. The first type of building should extract BOTH two resources on a planet at a faster speed. The second type will extract ONLY the second resource of the planet at a very high speed, but the first type of resource will not be extracted. If the problem you describe occurs in the second building (Orbital Refined Collector) then this is a normal function of the mod. If it happens in the first building (Orbital Collector Mk.II) or the original collector, please reply to me.

Flam1ngDem0n commented 3 years ago

It happens to the first collector that is supposed to collect both. While I wasn't very clear (as I could have been) I did mention that the this mod prevents the Vanilla Mark 1 from collecting both resources as well. So this Mod causes a game breaking experience as it also negatively impacts the base game buildings/assets.

Flam1ngDem0n commented 3 years ago

Any updates on this?

jinxOAO commented 3 years ago


I'm sorry that I have been busy before and didn't notice your reply. I rushed to produce a temporary version as soon as possible, which should solve your problem. But I haven't located the correct cause of the bug you reflected. I simply deleted all the logic that might cause the first resource not to be collected, so ALL collectors now collect both resources. If I locate the problem and fix it successfully, I will upload an official version. If there are any problems with this provisional version, please feel free to feedback.

Because you mentioned that disabling other mods can still cause problems, I skipped the following possible reasons: some mods modified the energy properties of resources such as fire ice, or modified the power of the collectors. In addition, the logic of my original mod was: if the maximum storage of the collector is 10,000, then the first resource will not be collected. Since English is not my native language, so I don't quite understand what Vanilla Orbital Collectors means, and I tried to use google translate... but but I got a result that confuses me even more. Is that the original obital collector in game?

If it is convenient for you, please tell me the maximum storage of “Vanilla Orbital Collectors”, if it is not the original obital collector ( since the original collector has a max storage of 5000 ).

Flam1ngDem0n commented 3 years ago

No worries about the late reply. Just wasn't sure if you saw my reply or not.

For clarification, usually when we English speaking gamers say "Vanilla" when relating to a game or it's content, it typically means Unchanged, or that it's part of the base (or core) game content.

Hope this helps. :)