jinxOAO / DSPmods_BepInEx

mods for DSP
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RecycleableFuelsRods exploit with proliferator #50

Open Magiclaze opened 2 years ago

Magiclaze commented 2 years ago

Extra products is not disabled when you refuel your empty fuel rod or when making them, doubling the extra products chance by 2. Maybe deactivating extra prodcuts on the refuelling could feel less cheaty since you already conserve the fuel rod and don't need to duplicate it.

jinxOAO commented 2 years ago

That's right, and I prefer to disable the extra product when makeing empty rod. because some players reported that they sometimes found the fuel rods would disappear. so the extra product might help them make up for the inexplicable disappearance. to be honest, I have not found the reason. Anyway, I will consider disable the refuel or/and empty rod's extra product in next version.