jinxOAO / DSPmods_BepInEx

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Using ReclyclableFuelRods with FusionPower eats the rods #65

Closed James-Fire closed 1 year ago

James-Fire commented 2 years ago


It allows Deuteron Rods to be used in the artificial star, but doesn't give an empty rod back.

jinxOAO commented 1 year ago

Sorry, this mod may be conflicting.

James-Fire commented 1 year ago

I know. I'm pretty sure something would need to be done about it on your end. Can you?

jinxOAO commented 1 year ago

This mod's code is like a sh*t, I'll see what I can do, I don't know.... btw, does the FusionPower mod create a new building or it just let the vanilla fusion reactor be able to use deuteron rods?

James-Fire commented 1 year ago

It allows Deuteron Rods to be used in the Artificial Star, like I said in the initial comment.

jinxOAO commented 1 year ago

sorry, I typed it wrong. Artificial star it is. OKOK.

jinxOAO commented 1 year ago

Unfortunately, bad news. I checked my code. I did not restrict the different rods to correspond to specific generators, which means that it is likely that: The FusionPower Mod also made a Prepatch on GenEnergyByFuel, which is aheah of my MOD's patch. Therefore, the patch not only prevented the original function of the game, but also prevented my prepatch, so that my MOD did not work. I am powerless for this issue. However, I can't find the source code of that FusionPower mod, so I'm not sure this is the reason. Besides, if the artificial stars do generate empty rods but the sorter won't pick them out (if that is also called "doesn't give an empty rod back"), then may be another function named "PickFuelFrom" or "PickFrom" is blocked by his patch. I can do nothing about that either. I'm really sorry.

James-Fire commented 1 year ago

It worked fine for the antimatter rods. In the case of Deuteron rods, no empty rod was generated.

Here's the source code.


jinxOAO commented 1 year ago

That's weird, it seems that it's my problem. Give me some time.

jinxOAO commented 1 year ago

Funny thing is it works fine on my computer. Empty deuteron rod was generated in the artificial star. Now I'm confused. maybe some other mods cause this problem? image

James-Fire commented 1 year ago

I'm not sure. I'll recheck my results and get back.