jinxdash / prettier-plugin-rust

Prettier Rust is an opinionated code formatter that autocorrects bad syntax.
MIT License
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Support for dynamic importing? #35

Open nagibmahfuj opened 3 months ago

nagibmahfuj commented 3 months ago

I am using vite in react.js and in my async function I am trying to dynamically import the package.

async function formatCode(code) {
  const { format } = await import("prettier/standalone");
  const plugin = await import("prettier-plugin-rust");
  return await format(code, {
    parser: "rust",
    tabWidth: 2,
    plugins: [plugin], // used plugins: plugin and the error is same

Output Error

Couldn't resolve parser "rust". Plugins must be explicitly added to the standalone bundle.

Does this package support this kind of dynamic importing?