jinzhongjia / LspUI.nvim

A modern and useful UI plugin that wraps lsp operations.
MIT License
158 stars 4 forks source link

Notice this guy is a thief #4

Closed tumarsh closed 1 year ago

tumarsh commented 1 year ago

Delete your repo. thief. You stole all glepnirr's code and ideas. You have not made any contribution or sponsorship to his project. Obviously you are Chinese. Only you Chinese are so disrespectful of the spirit of open source. fucking stupid guy!! get fuck out of neovim

jinzhongjia commented 1 year ago

Please point out my code plagiarism and please notice that my ui design scheme does refer to the ideas of glepnirr, but all my codes are written by myself, and more code logic is the official library used As for the reason why I wrote this code, it is because his plugin sometimes has a breakchange that affects my work, so I rebuild the plugin according to his ui

jinzhongjia commented 1 year ago

If you're just criticizing like this with reference to ui styles, you win

jinzhongjia commented 1 year ago

If you think I copied lspsaga, you can point it out in the code, now I will close this issue, if you have any questions feel free to open it again

2nthony commented 1 year ago

glepnirr also a Chinese bro.

LAST7 commented 11 months ago

Isn't lspsaga under MIT License? So what's wrong with this repo?