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Pages for Glossary, Tools, and Datasets #44

Open nathangibson opened 1 month ago

nathangibson commented 1 month ago

@YSL4L I would like to have pages where I post glossary terms, tools with links, and links to datasets. (These are 3 different pages.)

I think the most convenient way for me would be if I can just put them in a CSV spreadsheet. (You can check out the similar thing I already do for metadata for class sessions using _data/sessions.csv with _includes/sessions.html. These can be accessed with the site.data.sessions global variable, see https://jekyllrb.com/docs/datafiles/ .)

So it would be something like

term definition sessions
URI Uniform Resource Identifier, an identifier, usually in the form of a web address (URL), that uniquely identifies an entity across the entire Internet 3,4

This (and all other definitions in the spreadsheet) should then appear in the Glossary page.

An alternative way to do it would be using collections (as you did for podcasts), but it is a little more effort since I would have to create a file for each item.

You can create a branch feature/glossary-page from the development branch and then do a Pull request when you're ready.

Let me know if you have questions!

nathangibson commented 1 month ago

Some examples Glossary page from https://23rabbinisch.pages.gwdg.de/glossary

And similar logic as the tutorials e.g. at https://24data.pages.gwdg.de/6 where tutorials can be tagged as related to specific sessions.