jiripospisil / ashley

Ashley is a dependency injection container for JavaScript.
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Ashley ioc does not work with create-react-app build #1

Open asemoon opened 6 years ago

asemoon commented 6 years ago

I am using Ashley as the ioc container for a react app I am coding and everything works as expected. Except when I try to build a production version of the app I get the following error: Creating an optimized production build... Failed to compile. Failed to minify the code from this file: ./node_modules/ashley/src/errors.js:3

Would it be possible for Ashley to be precompiled per following react instructions? https://github.com/facebook/create-react-app/blob/master/packages/react-scripts/template/README.md#npm-run-build-fails-to-minify

jiripospisil commented 6 years ago

Sure, why not. I can see you're already working on it in your branch. PRs are always appreciated :).