jirutka / rsql-parser

Parser for RSQL / FIQL – query language for RESTful APIs
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Map fields support #30

Closed sshcherbakov closed 6 years ago

sshcherbakov commented 6 years ago

Sorry for asking the question in a Github Issue.

If I have a query like "myobject.myfield=XXX", the "myfield" must be a property on the "myobject" type for the query to work.

What if the "myobject" is a Map<String, String>? Then the query fails with a NPE. Am I missing something, or the RSQL parser cannot traverse the Map fields? Would you be interested in a PR adding such feature?

Thank you!

sshcherbakov commented 6 years ago

Actually, it looks like this question is better to ask in this project: https://github.com/RutledgePaulV/rest-query-engine