jirutka / swaylock-effects

Swaylock, with fancy effects
MIT License
173 stars 17 forks source link

[Security] After dpms on it unlocks sometimes without entering password #53

Open Y0ngg4n opened 7 months ago

Y0ngg4n commented 7 months ago

I have the issue that it sometimes unlocks after dpms on when i just press my touchpad and don´t enter a password. This does not seem secure and sometimes it gives me a redscreen when doing nothing. But i rather have a redscreen instead of letting everybody in without typing in the password. I dont set grace and i even tried to turn of touch with the flags but did not worked out eiter. This is my command:

swaylock \
  --daemonize \
  --grace-no-touch \
  --grace-no-mouse \
  --fade-in 0.1 \
  --image ~/Pictures/Lockscreen2.png \
  --clock \
  --datestr "%a, %e %b" \
  --timestr "%H:%M %p" \
  --indicator \
  --key-hl-color FF6666 \
  --line-color 99B3FF \
  --ring-color 7043AA \
  --text-color FFFFFF \
  --inside-color 111111 \
  --line-clear-color 111111 \
  --ring-clear-color 111111 \
  --text-clear-color 111111 \
  --inside-clear-color 111111 \
  --line-wrong-color FF3333 \
  --ring-wrong-color FF3333 \
  --text-wrong-color FFFFFF \
  --inside-wrong-color 111111 \
  --line-ver-color 6666FF \
  --ring-ver-color 6666FF \
  --text-ver-color FFFFFF \
  --inside-ver-color 111111
jirutka commented 7 months ago

Which compositor do you use?

Y0ngg4n commented 7 months ago

Hyprland. Thanks for that fast response :)

Y0ngg4n commented 7 months ago

@jirutka it also works sometimes with keyboard presses.

JaKooLit commented 7 months ago


Im sure this one is connected as well... but closing and opening of laptop lid also unlocks the swaylock....

Same hyprland

JaKooLit commented 7 months ago


Im sure this one is connected as well... but closing and opening of laptop lid also unlocks the swaylock....

Same hyprland

just a small update here. I found out that the unlocking is caused by this. I hope that this will help you figure out about the unlocking issue when closing and opening of laptop lid.

bindl = , switch:off:Lid Switch,exec,hyprctl keyword monitor "eDP-1, preferred, auto, 1"