jiskattema / dales

Dutch Atmospheric Large-Eddy Simulation model
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Microphysics scheme questions #1

Closed jiskattema closed 4 years ago

jiskattema commented 4 years ago



General limiting question. Is there a preference for using the mass (q_ci), or mass + tendency (q_ci + q_cip)? Using the m variables (n_clm etc) like line 462, vs the 0 variables, line 3000

jchylik commented 4 years ago


* [ ]  l_sb_inuc_expl not implemented (line 465)
* [ ]  output of tendencies _dq_ci_dep_, _dq_hs_dep_. _dq_hg_dep_ is after the cor_deposit3 correction, line 870
jchylik commented 4 years ago


  • [ ] if not l_sb_lim_aggr, E_ab was unset? setting it to zero now. line 942
* [ ]  elseif statement should be an else. line 1367
* [ ]  if not _(D_cl.gt.D_c_a).and.(D_hg.gt.D_i0)_, can we turn off coll_gcg3? line 1474
* [ ]  if not _(D_cl.gt.D_c_a).and.(D_ci.gt.D_i0)_, can we turn off coll_ici3? line 1219
* [ ]  if not _(D_cl.gt.D_c_a).and.(D_hs.gt.D_i0)_, can we turn off coll_scs3? line 1323
* [ ]  evapmelting3: threshold for melting snow, should that be q_hs.gt.qicemin? line 2229
* [ ]  evapmelting3: threshold for melting graupel, should that be q_hg.gt.qicemin? line 2247
* [ ]  accretion3: when not _l_sb_classic_, should accretion happen when _q_hr < q_hr_min_? line 2501
* [ ]  evap_rain3: is the use of unlimited x_hrf correct? line 2617
* [ ]  satadj3: limit on _dn_cl_sa_ is this now correct? is used to include svp(in_cl) (to include tendencies from outside the scheme?). I now initialize n_clp from svp(in_cl). line 2718 and 2751
* [ ]  sb_evmelt3: line 2997 and 3000, should the limit also include the tendency? _-n_cl/delt - n_clp_
* [ ]  integrals_bulk3: do we need to limit x_hr? line 370 and 389


* [ ]  nucleation3: original code went out of bound (memory corruption) for d ssat / dk . line 130. Is this better?
* [ ]  line 360. Sedimentation threshold for rain

* [ ]  line 528. Sedimentation threshold for snow

* [ ]  line 726. Sedimentation threshold for ice

* [ ]  line 831. Sedimentation threshold for cloud water
* [ ]  line 631, line 634. wrong variable (typo) be_hs => be_hg
* [ ]  lines 368 and 385, 412, Dvr_spl and x_hr are not calculated for different settings. Do we need to limit them, too?
jchylik commented 4 years ago
* [ ]  General sedimentation issue. The time-splitting scheme is to prevent stuff falling faster than 1 k-level. Why is then only the sedimentation at the first time split counted as precep (for instance _jn == 1_ at line 464, but happens for all sedimentation, including the original bulkmicro and simpleice2 schemes, i think)

A very good question. I kept it consistent with the warm microphysics, and never actually used this statistic. I can look at it later.

General limiting question. Is there a preference for using the mass (q_ci), or mass + tendency (q_ci + q_cip)? Using the m variables (n_clm etc) like line 462, vs the 0 variables, line 3000

It is generally preferable to limit the tendencies by variables m + update i.e. ( -(n_clm/delt+n_clp) )

jiskattema commented 4 years ago

Thanks for the comments. I've updated my code accordingly. I'll close this issue, and will use separate issues for the remaining questions (and new ones..)