jitbit / AspNetSaml

Very simple SAML 2.0 consumer module for ASP.NET/C#
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#35 - Added support for encrypted assertions. #83

Open Havagan opened 1 year ago

Havagan commented 1 year ago
alex-jitbit commented 1 year ago

Thanks! Would you mind switching spaces to tabs? Makes it really hard to diff-review.

PS. I like Shoudly, also switching to ClaimtTypes constants vs hardcoded strings is also nice

Havagan commented 1 year ago

Thanks! Would you mind switching spaces to tabs? Makes it really hard to diff-review.

Yep, I should have time to do that tomorrow and resubmit.

I didn't notice on my diff while creating the PR because I have it set to "hide whitespace" differences.


Havagan commented 1 year ago


Would you mind switching spaces to tabs? Makes it really hard to diff-review.

How do you want to handle these whitespace differences?

I confirmed that I use tabs and not spaces, but there were differences in file encoding and line endings.

To fix this, I added an editorconfig and set those values to match yours.

end_of_line = lf
insert_final_newline = true
indent_style = tab
indent_size = 4
tab_width = 4
charset = Windows-1252 # Western European Windows

After those changes, there still was a lot of whitespace differences on compare and I think it's due to inconsistent line endings. The editor config is now forcing LF but the original .cs files have a mix of LF and CRLF.

LineEndings01 LineEndings02

alex-jitbit commented 1 year ago

no worries, I'll take it form here and modify your branch accordingly before merging (hope you have "allowed changes form maintainers" settings enabled for the PR :))

carlo318 commented 8 months ago

Hello, this pull request could be very useful, for a project I am working on, and I could test it. I see there is still a branch conflict, are you going to solve it? Thankyou :-)

carlo318 commented 8 months ago

Hi @Havagan, can you please provide an example on how to handle the Encrypted Assertions? I see that there is GetEncryptedAttributes() but I get no attributes. Maybe I am doing it wrong.