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Why Atomizer (acss.io) didn't use more readable class names? #5

Open jitendravyas opened 6 years ago

thierryk commented 6 years ago

These were more or less the features/benefits we wanted to gain from the ACSS syntax:

Dynamic libraries are a whole different ball game

It is much more complex to create classes meant to be parsed by a tool (see dynamic libraries like ACSS or Blowdrycss) than classes for static libraries. This is because tools used by dynamic libraries must rely on specific patterns to help express rich styles (contextual styling, media queries, pseudo-classes, etc.) through syntax alone. Static libraries do not have such constraints.

What does readable mean anyway?

Let's take a look at various syntaxes for the sake of comparison:

Declarations Tailwind CSS Blowdrycss Basscss Tachyons ACSS
margin: 1rem .m-4 .margin-1rem .m2 .ma3 .M(1rem)
text-align: center .text-center .text-align-center .center .tc .Ta(c)
font-weight: 900 .font-black .font-weight-900 - .fw9 .Fw(900)
width: 100vw .w-screen .width-100vw - - .W(100vw)

I may be a bit biased, but it seems to me that the ACSS and Blowdrycss classes better associate with their corresponding style (property: value). In that sense, those classes seem to be more "readable".


When "not readable" is actually more readable

Let's consider negative values, units, percentage, and decimal points:

Declarations Tailwind CSS Blowdrycss Basscss Tachyons ACSS
margin: -1rem .-m-4 .margin-n1rem .mxn2 .na3 .M(-1rem)
font-size: 25px .text-2xl .font-size-25 .h2 .f3 .Fz(25px)
width: 50% .w-1/2 .width-50p .col-6 .w-50 .W(50%)
line-height: 1.5 .leading-normal .line-height-1_5 .line-height-4 .lh-copy .Lh(1.5)

With ACSS, we use - for minus, we use explicit units (i.e. px), we use % for percentage, and we even use . for decimal point. How crazy is that?


Readable versus Guessable

Readable is not the same as guessable. For example, it may be easy for one to understand what .uppercase does, or even what .lowercase does, but do these names help you guess which class should be used for text-transform: none? Anyone? Anyone?

In my opinion, helping devs figure things out by themselves is a better approach because they only need to learn a mnemonic pattern rather than a new vocabulary. In other words, I think it's better to have a tool (i.e. a strict "syntax") to be able to mentally construct classes by oneself (ACSS/Blowdrycss) than to have to learn a slew of arbitrary names (i.e. .float-right, .right, .fr, etc.).

Did you guess?

I asked above what should be the class to be used for text-transform: none in the context of classes like .uppercase and lowercase. Let's see the syntax for that across the same few libraries:

Declarations Tailwind CSS Blowdrycss Basscss Tachyons ACSS
text-transform: uppercase .uppercase .text-transform-uppercase .caps .ttu .Tt(u)
text-transform: lowercase .lowercase .text-transform-lowercase - .ttl .Tt(l)
text-transform: none .normal-case .text-transform-none - .ttn .Tt(n)

I think it is correct to assume that even though the classes .uppercase and .lowercase are the most "readable" (in the general sense), they are also the ones that do not help devs predict which class they should use for text-transform: none. This is why I think it is important that the naming convention/syntax helps people use a class without the need to learn about it first.


chinchang commented 6 years ago

@thierryk Thanks a lot for your detailed explanation. Makes so much sense now!

dy commented 6 months ago

That's all correct with the premise that W3C styles spec is absolute truth and properties there are what people/devs need the most. In other words, it's belief that standard specifiers are the most knowledgeable out there and disposed towards users.

But if that was true there wouldn't be any need in wrapping/translating libraries, starting from jQuery. Practice shows that their priorities principle was and is regularly violated.

So users naturally seek for more natural ways. Eg. tachyons comes from typographic background (Tschichold et al.), tailwind comes from Refactoring-UI background etc. So from these standpoints acss may seem less readable.