jitsi-contrib / jitsi-helm

A helm chart to deploy Jitsi to Kubernetes
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Unable to Execute finalize.sh from ConfigMap in Jibri Pod Due to Read-Only File System in Kubernetes #139

Open owiil opened 1 week ago

owiil commented 1 week ago


I am encountering an issue when trying to use a finalize.sh script inside a Jibri pod in Kubernetes. The script is provided via a ConfigMap and mounted inside the pod, and the script path is set using the environment variable JIBRI_FINALIZE_RECORDING_SCRIPT_PATH with the value /config/finalize.sh. However, since ConfigMap volumes are mounted as read-only, I am unable to apply execution permissions to the script, causing it to fail during the Jibri recording workflow.

Problem Details

  1. The ConfigMap containing finalize.sh is mounted at /config/finalize.sh.
  2. The JIBRI_FINALIZE_RECORDING_SCRIPT_PATH environment variable is correctly set to point to the script path.
  3. When attempting to apply execution permissions using chmod +x /config/finalize.sh, the following error occurs: chmod: changing permissions of '/config/finalize.sh': Read-only file system

Workarounds Attempted

1. Copying to a writable directory:

  I copied the script to a writable directory **(/tmp)** and applied execution permissions

cp /config/finalize.sh /tmp/finalize.sh && chmod +x /tmp/finalize.sh

Result: The script was copied successfully, but it still failed to execute, even after pointing the JIBRI_FINALIZE_RECORDING_SCRIPT_PATH environment variable to the new path (/tmp/finalize.sh).

2. Using an Init Container:

  I tried using an **initContainer** to apply execution permissions before the main container started: 
  - name: init-permissions
    image: busybox
    command: ['sh', '-c', 'chmod +x /config/finalize.sh']
      - name: jibri-finalize-script
        mountPath: /config/finalize.sh
        subPath: finalize.sh

Result: The chmod command failed again due to the ConfigMap being mounted as read-only.

Expected Behavior I would appreciate an official solution or guidance on how to run scripts like finalize.sh that are provided via ConfigMap in Kubernetes environments. Since the JIBRI_FINALIZE_RECORDING_SCRIPT_PATH environment variable correctly points to the script path, it would be ideal to ensure that the script can be executed without needing workarounds that do not function properly.


  1. Jibri version: [Stable-9646]
  2. Kubernetes Version: v1.29.8
  3. Helm Chart Version: v1.4.1

Additional Context The purpose of my finalize.sh script is to upload recorded video files to Azure Blob Storage. ConfigMap volumes are mounted as read-only in Kubernetes, which prevents modifications or executions from happening directly. An official solution or recommendation for handling this scenario would be very helpful, especially when dealing with scripts that are crucial to the proper functioning of Jibri, such as finalize.sh.

spijet commented 1 week ago

Hello @owiil!

We use readOnlyRootFilesystem to increase the security of Jitsi Meet pods by default. I'll check for a good way to add it to the chart and set the file mode to 0755.

As a side-track: is it possible for you to publish the finalize.sh you're using to upload to Azure Blob Storage? I can include it to this repo as an example upload script (and maybe add an S3-friendly version as well).

owiil commented 1 week ago

Hello @spijet !

I’m sharing the solution I used for uploading videos to Azure Blob Storage after recordings in Jibri. Below is the finalize.shscript, along with the CronJob that I successfully implemented to handle the uploads. Additionally, I created a Persistent Volume (PV) and Persistent Volume Claim (PVC) to store the recordings locally before uploading.

finalize.sh Script This is the script I’m using to upload the recordings to Azure Blob Storage:


# Variables

# Install azcopy if not already installed
if ! command -v azcopy &> /dev/null; then
  echo "Installing azcopy..."
  wget -O azcopy.tar.gz https://aka.ms/downloadazcopy-linux
  tar -xvf azcopy.tar.gz --strip-components=1 -C /usr/local/bin

# Check if the recordings directory exists
if [ -d "$RECORDING_DIR" ]; then
    echo "Recordings directory found. Preparing to upload."
    echo "Recordings directory not found. Exiting."
    exit 1

# Upload each file in the recordings directory to Azure Blob Storage
for file in "$RECORDING_DIR"/*; do
    if [ -f "$file" ]; then
        echo "Uploading $file to Azure Blob Storage..."
        azcopy copy "$file" "$DESTINATION_PATH"
        if [ $? -eq 0 ]; then
            echo "File $file uploaded successfully."
            echo "Failed to upload $file."

# Optionally: Remove the recordings after upload
rm -rf "$RECORDING_DIR"/*

CronJob for Automating the Upload Process

I used the following CronJob to periodically check the recordings directory and upload any new recordings to Azure Blob Storage. This runs every 15 minutes.

apiVersion: batch/v1
kind: CronJob
  name: upload-videos
  namespace: jitsi-meet
  schedule: "*/15 * * * *"  # Runs every 15 minutes
  successfulJobsHistoryLimit: 1   
  failedJobsHistoryLimit: 1       
      ttlSecondsAfterFinished: 0   
          restartPolicy: Never
          - name: upload-to-azure
            image: mcr.microsoft.com/azure-cli  
            command: ["/bin/sh", "-c"]
              - |
                echo "=== Starting the upload process of video folders ==="

                # Uncomment the following lines to add a static IP for the storage account if DNS resolution fails
                # echo "Adding entry to /etc/hosts for storage account IP resolution"
                # echo "<resolved-storage-account-ip> yourstorageaccount.blob.core.windows.net" >> /etc/hosts

                # Uncomment the following lines to verify the modification in /etc/hosts
                # echo "Contents of /etc/hosts after modification:"
                # cat /etc/hosts

                echo "Checking for new folders to upload..."

                # Check for new folders to upload
                for dir in /data/recordings/*; do
                  if [ -d "$dir" ]; then
                    echo "Folder found: $dir"

                    # Upload only if the content does not exist in Azure Blob Storage
                    echo "Checking if the content of folder $dir already exists in Azure Blob Storage..."

                    # For each file in the folder, check if it already exists
                    for file in "$dir"/*; do
                      filename=$(basename "$file")
                      if [ -f "$file" ]; then
                        echo "Checking if the file $filename already exists in Blob Storage..."
                        if az storage blob exists --account-name yourstorageaccount --container-name container --name "$filename" --sas-token "<your-sas-token-here>" | grep -q '"exists": true'; then
                          echo "The file $filename already exists. Skipping."
                          echo "The file $filename does not exist. It will be uploaded."

                    # Upload the entire folder if at least one file doesn't exist in Blob Storage
                    if [ "$files_to_upload" = true ]; then
                      echo "Uploading folder $dir to Azure Blob Storage..."
                      az storage blob upload-batch --source "$dir" --destination container --account-name yourstorageaccount --sas-token "<your-sas-token-here>"
                      echo "Upload of folder $dir completed."
                      echo "All files in folder $dir already exist. No upload needed."
                    echo "No new folders found to upload."

                echo "=== End of the video folders upload process ==="
            - name: jibri-storage
              mountPath: /data/recordings  
          - name: jibri-storage
              claimName: temp-storage-pvc

Persistent Volume (PV) and Persistent Volume Claim (PVC) To store the recordings temporarily before uploading them to Azure Blob Storage, I created a Persistent Volume (PV) and a Persistent Volume Claim (PVC):

Persistent Volume:

apiVersion: v1
kind: PersistentVolume
  name: temp-storage-pv
    storage: 10Gi
    - ReadWriteOnce
    path: /mnt/temp-storage

Persistent Volume Claim:

apiVersion: v1
kind: PersistentVolumeClaim
  name: temp-storage-pvc
  namespace: jitsi-meet
    - ReadWriteOnce
      storage: 10Gi

Helm Chart values.yamlConfiguration Finally, I edited the values.yaml file for the Jibri configuration to enable persistence using the created PVC:

    enabled: true
    existingClaim: temp-storage-pvc

This solution works well for my environment, handling uploading writes to Azure Blob Storage and managing local storage with Kubernetes persistent volumes. but I would like to use finalize.sh directly in the Jibri Pod, Let me know if you have any questions or need more details!

spijet commented 1 week ago

I'll come up with a solution in the coming days and will ping you here when it's ready for testing. Thank you!

spijet commented 1 week ago

Hello again, @owiil!

I've just pushed 8f9235c with the addition of .Values.jibri.custom.other._finalize_sh. Can you please test it and report back? If all is well, I'll tag a new release right away.