jitsi / docker-jitsi-meet

Jitsi Meet on Docker
Apache License 2.0
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Sentry not supported? #1804

Closed DanielMcAssey closed 2 weeks ago

DanielMcAssey commented 2 weeks ago

Hey, just took the time to update our infra to the latest Jitsi (Thank you for the amazing work).

Is using Sentry supported by Jitsi? Getting the following

panic: render template error: template: /defaults/logging.properties:1:24: executing "/defaults/logging.properties" at <toBool>: error calling toBool: strconv.ParseBool: parsing "https://[REMOVED]@sentry.[REMOVED]/[REMOVED]": invalid syntax

Which is because of this change https://github.com/jitsi/docker-jitsi-meet/commit/b0092bcf6537cc917a500a96e2328f75ad6489f8 but this was to resolve #1724.

So is there a final say on whether we can use Sentry or not? Just to see if I need to find a workaround

saghul commented 2 weeks ago

Hum, I think I broke that with some updates to tpl. If there is an error parsing a boolean but the string is not empty we should return true.

I'll fix it up.

Context: https://github.com/jitsi/tpl/blob/bbdb11979c7d7163d27a7d7a9ca4b65d1c0854f6/func.go#L56C18-L56C35

DanielMcAssey commented 2 weeks ago

Ah cool!

If it helps, the standard Sentry DSN is in the following format (Can be http):


saghul commented 2 weeks ago

Not sure what the overall state of Sentry is (we don't use it ourselves) but I just fixed toBool in https://github.com/jitsi/docker-jitsi-meet/pull/1805