Hi, I am getting error below, if I use flutter_webrtc: ^0.9.36 & jitsi-meet-flutter-sdk together in Pubspec.Yaml.
"Target has frameworks with conflicting names: webrtc.xcframework."
I am already using flutter_webrtc: ^0.9.36 in my pubspec,yaml and when I add jitsi-meet-flutter-sdk, it creates two same POD frame works:
One is within : PodsJitsiWebRTC/WebRTC.xcframework.
And second is reated at POD/WebRTC-SDK/WebRTC.xcframework.
This does not happen if I use the example application because example application only uses jitsi-meet-flutter-sdk & not flutter_webrtc: ^0.9.36.
Also, flutter pub get does not work, if I use below.
jitsi_meet_flutter_sdk: '^0.1.0'
I was wondering if there is a way for both flutter_webrtc: ^0.9.36 & jitsi-meet-flutter-sdk to work together without duplicating webrtc.xcframework.". Thanks!
Hi, I am getting error below, if I use flutter_webrtc: ^0.9.36 & jitsi-meet-flutter-sdk together in Pubspec.Yaml.
"Target has frameworks with conflicting names: webrtc.xcframework."
I am already using flutter_webrtc: ^0.9.36 in my pubspec,yaml and when I add jitsi-meet-flutter-sdk, it creates two same POD frame works: One is within : PodsJitsiWebRTC/WebRTC.xcframework. And second is reated at POD/WebRTC-SDK/WebRTC.xcframework.
This does not happen if I use the example application because example application only uses jitsi-meet-flutter-sdk & not flutter_webrtc: ^0.9.36.
Also, flutter pub get does not work, if I use below.
jitsi_meet_flutter_sdk: '^0.1.0'
I was wondering if there is a way for both flutter_webrtc: ^0.9.36 & jitsi-meet-flutter-sdk to work together without duplicating webrtc.xcframework.". Thanks!