I'm encountering a conflict between the flutter_webrtc and jitsi_meet_flutter_sdk plugins in my Flutter project. Both plugins seem to have dependencies that are causing conflicts, specifically with classes like org.webrtc.voiceengine.WebRtcAudioUtils.
Steps to Reproduce:
Add both flutter_webrtc and jitsi_meet_flutter_sdk plugins to a Flutter project.
Attempt to build the project.
Flutter version: 3.16.3
Operating System: android
FAILURE: Build failed with an exception.
What went wrong:
Execution failed for task ':app:checkDebugDuplicateClasses'.
A failure occurred while executing com.android.build.gradle.internal.tasks.CheckDuplicatesRunnable
Duplicate class org.webrtc.AddIceObserver found in modules jetified-android-114.5735.08.1-runtime (io.github.webrtc-sdk:android:114.5735.08.1) and jetified-webrtc-111.0.1-runtime (org.jitsi:webrtc:111.0.1)
Duplicate class org.webrtc.AndroidVideoDecoder found in modules jetified-android-114.5735.08.1-runtime (io.github.webrtc-sdk:android:114.5735.08.1) and jetified-webrtc-111.0.1-runtime (org.jitsi:webrtc:111.0.1)
I'm encountering a conflict between the flutter_webrtc and jitsi_meet_flutter_sdk plugins in my Flutter project. Both plugins seem to have dependencies that are causing conflicts, specifically with classes like org.webrtc.voiceengine.WebRtcAudioUtils.
Steps to Reproduce:
Flutter version: 3.16.3 Operating System: android
FAILURE: Build failed with an exception.