jitsi / jitsi-meet-flutter-sdk

Jitsi Meet plugin for Flutter
Apache License 2.0
41 stars 30 forks source link

Conference Timer in meeting screen #90

Open a7mdragab1 opened 1 day ago

a7mdragab1 commented 1 day ago

Dears, Thanks for your great work.

I want to view the meeting time inside the meeting screen How to do that?

I tried

static Map<String, Object> meetingFeatureFlags = {
    FeatureFlags.audioOnlyButtonEnabled: true,
    FeatureFlags.overflowMenuEnabled: false,
    FeatureFlags.lobbyModeEnabled: true,
    FeatureFlags.preJoinPageEnabled: false,
    FeatureFlags.conferenceTimerEnabled: true,
    FeatureFlags.meetingNameEnabled: false,

"hideConferenceTimer": false,
"conferenceInfo": {
    "alwaysVisible": ['conference-timer', 'participants-count'],

With no luck. Thanks

saghul commented 1 day ago

The timer should be visible by default (after tapping the screen) but it requires a component enabled on the server. Do you know if it's enabled on yours?

a7mdragab1 commented 1 day ago

The timer should be visible by default (after tapping the screen) but it requires a component enabled on the server. Do you know if it's enabled on yours?

Thanks for your response. I am not sure, if you could tell me which component to check

saghul commented 1 day ago

It's in the Prosody config. There is a module called conference_duration.

a7mdragab1 commented 1 day ago

It's in the Prosody config. There is a module called conference_duration.

Thank you so much for your invaluable help. I truly appreciate your generosity and expertise.

a7mdragab1 commented 1 day ago

It's in the Prosody config. There is a module called conference_duration.

Sorry, but I found that it is already enabled. What do you suggest

  modules_enabled = {
saghul commented 15 hours ago

More config is necessary, please paste the full config file.

a7mdragab1 commented 15 hours ago

More config is necessary, please paste the full config file.

{{ $ENABLE_AUTH := .Env.ENABLE_AUTH | default "0" | toBool -}}
{{ $AUTH_TYPE := .Env.AUTH_TYPE | default "internal" -}}
{{ $ENABLE_GUEST_DOMAIN := and $ENABLE_AUTH (.Env.ENABLE_GUESTS | default "0" | toBool) -}}
{{ $ENABLE_RECORDING := .Env.ENABLE_RECORDING | default "0" | toBool -}}
{{ $JIBRI_XMPP_USER := .Env.JIBRI_XMPP_USER | default "jibri" -}}
{{ $JIGASI_XMPP_USER := .Env.JIGASI_XMPP_USER | default "jigasi" -}}
{{ $JVB_AUTH_USER := .Env.JVB_AUTH_USER | default "jvb" -}}
{{ $JWT_ASAP_KEYSERVER := .Env.JWT_ASAP_KEYSERVER | default "" -}}
{{ $JWT_ALLOW_EMPTY := .Env.JWT_ALLOW_EMPTY | default "0" | toBool -}}
{{ $JWT_AUTH_TYPE := .Env.JWT_AUTH_TYPE | default "token" -}}
{{ $MATRIX_UVS_ISSUER := .Env.MATRIX_UVS_ISSUER | default "issuer" -}}
{{ $JWT_TOKEN_AUTH_MODULE := .Env.JWT_TOKEN_AUTH_MODULE | default "token_verification" -}}
{{ $ENABLE_LOBBY := .Env.ENABLE_LOBBY | default "true" | toBool -}}
{{ $ENABLE_AV_MODERATION := .Env.ENABLE_AV_MODERATION | default "true" | toBool -}}
{{ $ENABLE_BREAKOUT_ROOMS := .Env.ENABLE_BREAKOUT_ROOMS | default "true" | toBool -}}
{{ $ENABLE_END_CONFERENCE := .Env.ENABLE_END_CONFERENCE | default "true" | toBool -}}
{{ $ENABLE_XMPP_WEBSOCKET := .Env.ENABLE_XMPP_WEBSOCKET | default "1" | toBool -}}
{{ $ENABLE_JAAS_COMPONENTS := .Env.ENABLE_JAAS_COMPONENTS | default "0" | toBool -}}
{{ $ENABLE_RATE_LIMITS := .Env.PROSODY_ENABLE_RATE_LIMITS | default "0" | toBool -}}
{{ $PUBLIC_URL := .Env.PUBLIC_URL | default "https://localhost:8443" -}}
{{ $PUBLIC_URL_DOMAIN := $PUBLIC_URL | trimPrefix "https://" | trimSuffix "/" -}}
{{ $TURN_HOST := .Env.TURN_HOST | default "" -}}
{{ $TURN_HOSTS := splitList "," $TURN_HOST -}}
{{ $TURN_PORT := .Env.TURN_PORT | default "443" -}}
{{ $TURN_TRANSPORT := .Env.TURN_TRANSPORT | default "tcp" -}}
{{ $TURN_TRANSPORTS := splitList "," $TURN_TRANSPORT -}}
{{ $TURNS_HOST := .Env.TURNS_HOST | default "" -}}
{{ $TURNS_HOSTS := splitList "," $TURNS_HOST -}}
{{ $TURNS_PORT := .Env.TURNS_PORT | default "443" -}}
{{ $XMPP_AUTH_DOMAIN := .Env.XMPP_AUTH_DOMAIN | default "auth.meet.jitsi" -}}
{{ $XMPP_DOMAIN := .Env.XMPP_DOMAIN | default "meet.jitsi" -}}
{{ $XMPP_GUEST_DOMAIN := .Env.XMPP_GUEST_DOMAIN | default "guest.meet.jitsi" -}}
{{ $XMPP_INTERNAL_MUC_DOMAIN := .Env.XMPP_INTERNAL_MUC_DOMAIN | default "internal-muc.meet.jitsi" -}}
{{ $XMPP_MUC_DOMAIN := .Env.XMPP_MUC_DOMAIN | default "muc.meet.jitsi" -}}
{{ $XMPP_MUC_DOMAIN_PREFIX := (split "." $XMPP_MUC_DOMAIN)._0 -}}
{{ $XMPP_RECORDER_DOMAIN := .Env.XMPP_RECORDER_DOMAIN | default "recorder.meet.jitsi" -}}
{{ $JIBRI_RECORDER_USER := .Env.JIBRI_RECORDER_USER | default "recorder" -}}
{{ $JIGASI_TRANSCRIBER_USER := .Env.JIGASI_TRANSCRIBER_USER | default "transcriber" -}}
{{ $DISABLE_POLLS := .Env.DISABLE_POLLS | default "false" | toBool -}}
{{ $ENABLE_SUBDOMAINS := .Env.ENABLE_SUBDOMAINS | default "true" | toBool -}}
{{ $ENV := .Env -}}

admins = {
    {{ if .Env.JIGASI_XMPP_PASSWORD }}
    {{ end }}

    {{ if .Env.JIBRI_XMPP_PASSWORD }}
    {{ end }}

    "focus@{{ $XMPP_AUTH_DOMAIN }}",
    "{{ $JVB_AUTH_USER }}@{{ $XMPP_AUTH_DOMAIN }}"

unlimited_jids = {
    "focus@{{ $XMPP_AUTH_DOMAIN }}",
    "{{ $JVB_AUTH_USER }}@{{ $XMPP_AUTH_DOMAIN }}"

plugin_paths = { "/prosody-plugins/", "/prosody-plugins-custom" }

muc_mapper_domain_base = "{{ $XMPP_DOMAIN }}";
muc_mapper_domain_prefix = "{{ $XMPP_MUC_DOMAIN_PREFIX }}";

http_default_host = "{{ $XMPP_DOMAIN }}"

external_service_secret = "{{.Env.TURN_CREDENTIALS}}";
{{- end }}

{{ if or .Env.TURN_HOST .Env.TURNS_HOST -}}
external_services = {
  {{ if $TURN_HOST -}}
    {{- range $idx1, $host := $TURN_HOSTS -}}
      {{- range $idx2, $transport := $TURN_TRANSPORTS -}}
        {{- if or $idx1 $idx2 -}},{{- end }}
        { type = "turn", host = "{{ $host }}", port = {{ $TURN_PORT }}, transport = "{{ $transport }}", secret = true, ttl = 86400, algorithm = "turn" }
      {{- end -}}
    {{- end -}}
  {{- end -}}

  {{- if $TURNS_HOST -}}
    {{- range $idx, $host := $TURNS_HOSTS -}}
        {{- if or $TURN_HOST $idx -}},{{- end }}
        { type = "turns", host = "{{ $host }}", port = {{ $TURNS_PORT }}, transport = "tcp", secret = true, ttl = 86400, algorithm = "turn" }
    {{- end }}
  {{- end }}
{{- end }}

{{ if and $ENABLE_AUTH (or (eq $PROSODY_AUTH_TYPE "jwt") (eq $PROSODY_AUTH_TYPE "hybrid_matrix_token")) .Env.JWT_ACCEPTED_ISSUERS }}
asap_accepted_issuers = { "{{ join "\",\"" (splitList "," .Env.JWT_ACCEPTED_ISSUERS) }}" }
{{ end }}

{{ if and $ENABLE_AUTH (or (eq $PROSODY_AUTH_TYPE "jwt") (eq $PROSODY_AUTH_TYPE "hybrid_matrix_token")) .Env.JWT_ACCEPTED_AUDIENCES }}
asap_accepted_audiences = { "{{ join "\",\"" (splitList "," .Env.JWT_ACCEPTED_AUDIENCES) }}" }
{{ end }}

consider_bosh_secure = true;
consider_websocket_secure = true;

VirtualHost "jigasi.meet.jitsi"
    modules_enabled = {
    authentication = "token"
    app_id = "jitsi";
    asap_key_server = "https://jaas-public-keys.jitsi.net/jitsi-components/prod-8x8"
    asap_accepted_issuers = { "jaas-components" }
    asap_accepted_audiences = { "jigasi.{{ $PUBLIC_URL_DOMAIN }}" }
{{ end }}

VirtualHost "{{ $XMPP_DOMAIN }}"
{{ if $ENABLE_AUTH }}
  {{ if eq $PROSODY_AUTH_TYPE "jwt" }}
    authentication = "{{ $JWT_AUTH_TYPE }}"
    app_id = "{{ .Env.JWT_APP_ID }}"
    app_secret = "{{ .Env.JWT_APP_SECRET }}"
    allow_empty_token = {{ $JWT_ALLOW_EMPTY }}
    {{ if $JWT_ASAP_KEYSERVER }}
    asap_key_server = "{{ .Env.JWT_ASAP_KEYSERVER }}"
    {{ end }}
    enable_domain_verification = {{ $JWT_ENABLE_DOMAIN_VERIFICATION }}
  {{ else if eq $PROSODY_AUTH_TYPE "ldap" }}
    authentication = "cyrus"
    cyrus_application_name = "xmpp"
    allow_unencrypted_plain_auth = true
  {{ else if eq $PROSODY_AUTH_TYPE "matrix" }}
    authentication = "matrix_user_verification"
    app_id = "{{ $MATRIX_UVS_ISSUER }}"
    uvs_base_url = "{{ .Env.MATRIX_UVS_URL }}"
    {{ if .Env.MATRIX_UVS_AUTH_TOKEN }}
    uvs_auth_token = "{{ .Env.MATRIX_UVS_AUTH_TOKEN }}"
    {{ end }}
    uvs_sync_power_levels = true
    {{ end }}
  {{ else if eq $PROSODY_AUTH_TYPE "hybrid_matrix_token" }}
    authentication = "hybrid_matrix_token"
    app_id = "{{ .Env.JWT_APP_ID }}"
    app_secret = "{{ .Env.JWT_APP_SECRET }}"
    allow_empty_token = {{ $JWT_ALLOW_EMPTY }}
    enable_domain_verification = {{ $JWT_ENABLE_DOMAIN_VERIFICATION }}

    uvs_base_url = "{{ .Env.MATRIX_UVS_URL }}"
    {{ if .Env.MATRIX_UVS_ISSUER }}
    uvs_issuer = "{{ .Env.MATRIX_UVS_ISSUER }}"
    {{ end }}
    {{ if .Env.MATRIX_UVS_AUTH_TOKEN }}
    uvs_auth_token = "{{ .Env.MATRIX_UVS_AUTH_TOKEN }}"
    {{ end }}
  {{ else if eq $PROSODY_AUTH_TYPE "internal" }}
    authentication = "internal_hashed"
  {{ end }}
{{ else }}
    authentication = "jitsi-anonymous"
{{ end }}
    ssl = {
        key = "/config/certs/{{ $XMPP_DOMAIN }}.key";
        certificate = "/config/certs/{{ $XMPP_DOMAIN }}.crt";
    modules_enabled = {
        {{ if $ENABLE_XMPP_WEBSOCKET }}
        "smacks"; -- XEP-0198: Stream Management
        {{ end }}
        {{ if $ENABLE_END_CONFERENCE }}
        {{ end }}
        {{ if or .Env.TURN_HOST .Env.TURNS_HOST }}
        {{ end }}
        {{ if $ENABLE_LOBBY }}
        {{ end }}
        {{ if $ENABLE_BREAKOUT_ROOMS }}
        {{ end }}
        {{ if $ENABLE_AV_MODERATION }}
        {{ end }}
        {{ if .Env.XMPP_MODULES }}
        "{{ join "\";\n\"" (splitList "," .Env.XMPP_MODULES) }}";
        {{ end }}
        {{ if and $ENABLE_AUTH (eq $PROSODY_AUTH_TYPE "ldap") }}
        {{ end }}

    main_muc = "{{ $XMPP_MUC_DOMAIN }}"

    {{ if $ENABLE_LOBBY }}
    lobby_muc = "lobby.{{ $XMPP_DOMAIN }}"
    {{ if $ENABLE_RECORDING }}
    muc_lobby_whitelist = { "{{ $XMPP_RECORDER_DOMAIN }}" }
    {{ end }}
    {{ end }}

    reservations_api_prefix = "{{ $PROSODY_RESERVATION_REST_BASE_URL }}"
    {{ end }}

    breakout_rooms_muc = "breakout.{{ $XMPP_DOMAIN }}"
    {{ end }}

    speakerstats_component = "speakerstats.{{ $XMPP_DOMAIN }}"
    conference_duration_component = "conferenceduration.{{ $XMPP_DOMAIN }}"

    end_conference_component = "endconference.{{ $XMPP_DOMAIN }}"
    {{ end }}

    av_moderation_component = "avmoderation.{{ $XMPP_DOMAIN }}"
    {{ end }}

    c2s_require_encryption = false

VirtualHost "{{ $XMPP_GUEST_DOMAIN }}"
    authentication = "jitsi-anonymous"

    c2s_require_encryption = false
{{ end }}

VirtualHost "{{ $XMPP_AUTH_DOMAIN }}"
    ssl = {
        key = "/config/certs/{{ $XMPP_AUTH_DOMAIN }}.key";
        certificate = "/config/certs/{{ $XMPP_AUTH_DOMAIN }}.crt";
    modules_enabled = {
    authentication = "internal_hashed"

VirtualHost "{{ $XMPP_RECORDER_DOMAIN }}"
    modules_enabled = {
    authentication = "internal_hashed"
{{ end }}

Component "{{ $XMPP_INTERNAL_MUC_DOMAIN }}" "muc"
    storage = "memory"
    modules_enabled = {
        {{ if .Env.XMPP_INTERNAL_MUC_MODULES -}}
        "{{ join "\";\n\"" (splitList "," .Env.XMPP_INTERNAL_MUC_MODULES) }}";
        {{ end -}}
    restrict_room_creation = true
    muc_room_locking = false
    muc_room_default_public_jids = true

Component "{{ $XMPP_MUC_DOMAIN }}" "muc"
    restrict_room_creation = true
    storage = "memory"
    modules_enabled = {
        {{ if .Env.XMPP_MUC_MODULES -}}
        "{{ join "\";\n\"" (splitList "," .Env.XMPP_MUC_MODULES) }}";
        {{ end -}}
        {{ if and $ENABLE_AUTH (or (eq $PROSODY_AUTH_TYPE "jwt") (eq $PROSODY_AUTH_TYPE "hybrid_matrix_token")) -}}
        "{{ $JWT_TOKEN_AUTH_MODULE }}";
        {{ end }}
        {{ end -}}
        {{ if and $ENABLE_AUTH (eq $PROSODY_AUTH_TYPE "hybrid_matrix_token") $MATRIX_UVS_SYNC_POWER_LEVELS -}}
        {{ end -}}
        {{ if not $DISABLE_POLLS -}}
        {{ end -}}
        {{ if $ENABLE_SUBDOMAINS -}}
        {{ end -}}
        {{ if $ENABLE_RATE_LIMITS -}}
        {{ end -}}
        {{ if .Env.MAX_PARTICIPANTS }}
        {{ end }}

    {{ if $ENABLE_RATE_LIMITS -}}
    -- Max allowed join/login rate in events per second.
    rate_limit_login_rate = {{ $RATE_LIMIT_LOGIN_RATE }};
    -- The rate to which sessions from IPs exceeding the join rate will be limited, in bytes per second.
    rate_limit_session_rate = {{ $RATE_LIMIT_SESSION_RATE }};
    -- The time in seconds, after which the limit for an IP address is lifted.
    rate_limit_timeout = {{ $RATE_LIMIT_TIMEOUT }};
    -- List of regular expressions for IP addresses that are not limited by this module.
    rate_limit_whitelist = {
      {{ range $index, $cidr := (splitList "," $RATE_LIMIT_ALLOW_RANGES) -}}
      "{{ $cidr }}";
      {{ end -}}

    rate_limit_whitelist_jids = {
    {{ end -}}

    -- The size of the cache that saves state for IP addresses
    rate_limit_cache_size = {{ $RATE_LIMIT_CACHE_SIZE }};

    muc_room_cache_size = 1000
    muc_room_locking = false
    muc_room_default_public_jids = true
    {{ join "\n" (splitList "," .Env.XMPP_MUC_CONFIGURATION) }}
    {{ end -}}
    {{ if .Env.MAX_PARTICIPANTS }}
    muc_access_whitelist = { "focus@{{ .Env.XMPP_AUTH_DOMAIN }}" }
    muc_max_occupants = "{{ .Env.MAX_PARTICIPANTS }}"
    {{ end }}
    muc_password_whitelist = {
        "focus@{{ .Env.XMPP_AUTH_DOMAIN }}"

Component "focus.{{ $XMPP_DOMAIN }}" "client_proxy"
    target_address = "focus@{{ $XMPP_AUTH_DOMAIN }}"

Component "speakerstats.{{ $XMPP_DOMAIN }}" "speakerstats_component"
    muc_component = "{{ $XMPP_MUC_DOMAIN }}"

Component "conferenceduration.{{ $XMPP_DOMAIN }}" "conference_duration_component"
    muc_component = "{{ $XMPP_MUC_DOMAIN }}"

Component "endconference.{{ $XMPP_DOMAIN }}" "end_conference"
    muc_component = "{{ $XMPP_MUC_DOMAIN }}"
{{ end }}

Component "avmoderation.{{ $XMPP_DOMAIN }}" "av_moderation_component"
    muc_component = "{{ $XMPP_MUC_DOMAIN }}"
{{ end }}

{{ if $ENABLE_LOBBY }}
Component "lobby.{{ $XMPP_DOMAIN }}" "muc"
    storage = "memory"
    restrict_room_creation = true
    muc_room_locking = false
    muc_room_default_public_jids = true
    modules_enabled = {
        {{ if $ENABLE_RATE_LIMITS -}}
        {{ end -}}

    {{ end }}

Component "breakout.{{ $XMPP_DOMAIN }}" "muc"
    storage = "memory"
    restrict_room_creation = true
    muc_room_locking = false
    muc_room_default_public_jids = true
    modules_enabled = {
        {{ if $ENABLE_SUBDOMAINS -}}
        {{ end -}}
        {{ if not $DISABLE_POLLS -}}
        {{ end -}}
        {{ if $ENABLE_RATE_LIMITS -}}
        {{ end -}}
{{ end }}

Component "metadata.{{ $XMPP_DOMAIN }}" "room_metadata_component"
    muc_component = "{{ $XMPP_MUC_DOMAIN }}"
    breakout_rooms_component = "breakout.{{ $XMPP_DOMAIN }}"
saghul commented 15 hours ago

Is that an unmodified Docker setup? It does work out of the box there.

a7mdragab1 commented 11 hours ago

Is that an unmodified Docker setup? It does work out of the box there.

Yes. It is unmodified docker installation

saghul commented 11 hours ago

What image version are you running?

a7mdragab1 commented 7 hours ago

What image version are you running?


saghul commented 7 hours ago

Oh that is an old release I'm afraid. It's from a little over a year old. We can't maintain compatibility that far back with new client SDKs, sorry.

It should work if you update to a more recent release.

a7mdragab1 commented 5 hours ago

Oh that is an old release I'm afraid. It's from a little over a year old. We can't maintain compatibility that far back with new client SDKs, sorry.

It should work if you update to a more recent release.

Thanks for this valuable information. I have another problem with the package!

when upgrading to any version more than jitsi_meet_flutter_sdk: 0.4.2

The meeting is opened in a separate screen, but when the meeting ends, the screen is not removed from the background. If clicked, it reopens the meeting.

Look at this scenario


So, I am stuck at this version.

saghul commented 4 hours ago

Can you reproduce that with the sample app and the latest SDK?

a7mdragab1 commented 1 hour ago

Can you reproduce that with the sample app and the latest SDK?

This is the basic example in docs

var jitsiMeet = JitsiMeet();
var options = JitsiMeetConferenceOptions(
  serverURL: "https://meet.jit.si",
  room: "jitsiIsAwesomeWithFlutter",
  configOverrides: {
    "startWithAudioMuted": false,
    "startWithVideoMuted": false,
    "subject": "Jitsi with Flutter",
  featureFlags: {"unsaferoomwarning.enabled": false},
  userInfo: JitsiMeetUserInfo(displayName: "Flutter user", email: "user@example.com"),

Even I tried serverURL with my url, both have the same behavior

saghul commented 1 hour ago

@Calinteodor can you PTAL?