jitsi / jitsi-meet-sdk-samples

Jitsi Meet mobile SDK examples (Android, iOS and React Native)
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Class PodsDummy_libwebp is implemented in both #146

Closed MarinaAmy closed 2 years ago

MarinaAmy commented 2 years ago


I tried to set up the jitsi sdk in my ios project in swift following your example. Unfortunately when I launch the application I have this error message: Class PodsDummy_libwebp is implemented in both ../Frameworks/libwebp.framework/libwebp (0x105034238) and ../Frameworks/JitsiMeetSDK.framework/JitsiMeetSDK (0x10be9a8d8). One of the two will be used. Which one is undefined.

Can you help me please

saghul commented 2 years ago

What other frameworks are you using aside from the Jitsi SDK?

MarinaAmy commented 2 years ago

In my pods:


pod 'JitsiMeetSDK', '5.2.0-rc.3' pod 'Giphy'

I had to add Giphy because it did not find GiphyUISdk

MarinaAmy commented 2 years ago

My screen is black when I launch the app. Jitsi's call should start normally

saghul commented 2 years ago

Our SDK already depends on Giphy, maybe that's where the duplicity comes from. Do you get any build errors if you remove giphy from your posfile?

MarinaAmy commented 2 years ago

I removed Giphy from the podfile, deleted podfile.lock and the pods folder as well as the derived data. I also did a deintegrate pod and an install pod.

I always have a black screen with this error message on xcode:

objc[365]: Class PodsDummy_libwebp is implemented in both ../Frameworks/JitsiMeetSDK.framework/JitsiMeetSDK (0x10749e1d0) and ../Frameworks/GiphyUISDK.framework/GiphyUISDK (0x1010e9358). One of the two will be used. Which one is undefined. objc[365]: Class PodsDummy_libwebp is implemented in both ../Frameworks/JitsiMeetSDK.framework/JitsiMeetSDK (0x10749e1d0) and ../NameApp.app/NameApp (0x10013dc40). One of the two will be used. Which one is undefined.

I also cleaned the project before launching it :/

Xcode version : 13.4.1 MacOS Monterey version : 12.3.1

Thank you for your help

saghul commented 2 years ago

That's odd but it might be ok to ignore. When you get the black screen, what error do you see?

MarinaAmy commented 2 years ago

The error message appears long after it appears:

0x281973300 snapshot request complete with error: <NSError: 0x28194f6f0; domain: FBSSceneSnapshotErrorDomain; code: 4; reason: "an unrelated condition or state was not met">

So it's a problem with my domain name, right?

Otherwise I don't have any other error message unfortunately

sorry i am new to swift

saghul commented 2 years ago

Paste the full Xcode console output please.

MarinaAmy commented 2 years ago

Capture d’écran 2022-07-06 à 17 49 52

I only see this :/

MarinaAmy commented 2 years ago

This error only appears when I put the application in background :

0x281973300 snapshot request complete with error: <NSError: 0x28194f6f0; domain: FBSSceneSnapshotErrorDomain; code: 4; reason: "an unrelated condition or state was not met">

saghul commented 2 years ago

I see no SDK message. How are you initializing it and joining a meeting?

MarinaAmy commented 2 years ago

I took your example: https://github.com/jitsi/jitsi-meet-sdk-samples/tree/master/ios/swift-screensharing/JitsiSDKScreenSharingTest/JitsiSDKScreenSharingTest

I'm just missing the JitsiSDKScreenSharingTest.entitlements file I don't know how to generate the .entitlements file

saghul commented 2 years ago

Does the build succeed?

MarinaAmy commented 2 years ago

Yes but the screen is black so I must be missing a step in the AppDelegate, I'm really a beginner so I don't really know where to look, sorry to bother you in your time

MarinaAmy commented 2 years ago

I restarted my project, it was badly configured I think. Now when I launch the app I see the input and I enter the video but it gives me a black screen Here are my logs hoping that it speaks to you and that you can help me please

2022-07-07 15:18:48.174167+0200 AppName[904:288301] [WC] -[WCSession onqueue_handleUpdateSessionState:]_block_invoke dropping as pairingIDs no longer match. pairingID (null), customer pairingID: (null) 2022-07-07 15:18:48.280351+0200 AppName[904:288301] [WC] WCSession is not paired 2022-07-07 15:18:48.671487+0200 AppName[904:288299] [JitsiMeetSDK] '2022-07-07T13:18:48.670Z', '[modules/browser/BrowserCapabilities.js]', 'This appears to be react-native, ver: 0.68.1' 2022-07-07 15:18:48.719924+0200 AppName[904:288299] [JitsiMeetSDK] Running "App 2022-07-07 15:18:48.840586+0200 AppName[904:288081] Ignoring marks prefixed download (0) as data is unavailable (duration: 0, end: 80034734) 2022-07-07 15:18:48.996609+0200 AppName[904:288081] -[AppName.AppDelegate window]: unrecognized selector sent to instance 0x2830945f0 2022-07-07 15:18:48.997497+0200 AppName[904:288081] Terminating app due to uncaught exception 'NSInvalidArgumentException', reason: '-[AppName.AppDelegate window]: unrecognized selector sent to instance 0x2830945f0' First throw call stack: (0x182fd6d3c ​​0x19a3506a8 0x1830a6768 0x18615890c 0x182f70ca8 0x182f701dc 0x10b69ab50 0x10b69aa34 0x10b69ad8c 0x10b6cb174 0x10b722a34 0x104d60718 0x104d61f94 0x104d70758 0x182f92888 0x182f50188 0x182f62e1c 0x1a33059a0 0x185796b90 0x18552c16c 0x199455d24 0x1049bbe18 0x1049bbda0 0x1049bbe9c 0x104cd0250) libc++abi: terminating with uncaught exception of type NSException dyld4 config: DYLD_LIBRARY_PATH=/usr/lib/system/introspection DYLD_INSERT_LIBRARIES=/Developer/usr/lib/libBacktraceRecording.dylib:/Developer/usr/lib/libMainThreadChecker.dylib:/Developer/Library/PrivateFrameworks/DTDDISupport.framework/libViewDebuggerSupport. dylib *** Terminating app due to uncaught exception 'NSInvalidArgumentException', reason: '-[AppName.AppDelegate window]: unrecognized selector sent to instance 0x2830945f0' terminating with uncaught exception of type NSException (lldb)

Thank you

MarinaAmy commented 2 years ago

@saghul I managed to solve my worries, thank you for your time and your help