Closed mubashiralisiddiqui closed 2 weeks ago
@saghul can you help here plz
"react-native": "0.69.12", "react-native-gesture-handler": "2.18.1", "react-native-screens": "3.32.0",
Make sure you are using the same RN version as we are. Our SDK targets RN 0.73, it may or may not work with different versions.
upgraded to 073 now but still facing the same issue
{"react-native": "0.73.9", "@amplitude/react-native": "2.17.3", "@giphy/react-native-sdk": "2.3.0", "@jitsi/react-native-sdk": "^10.1.1", "@react-native-async-storage/async-storage": "1.23.1", "@react-native-clipboard/clipboard": "1.14.1", "@react-native-community/geolocation": "^2.0.2", "@react-native-community/netinfo": "11.1.0", "react-native-webrtc": "124.0.4", },
@saghul any idea what i can do to fix that issue
@saghul I am able to reprodcue the issue on example app I used my server url and token and it reprouced
its working fine now I was using the url like this https://mybaseURL/ROOMName?token then I replace the url to just the base url https://mybaseURL and the events started working
after we join the meeting room and try to exit it again bounce back to the same room screen
versions of lib "@amplitude/react-native": "2.17.3", "@giphy/react-native-sdk": "2.3.0", "@jitsi/react-native-sdk": "^10.1.3", "react-native": "0.69.12", "react-native-gesture-handler": "2.18.1", "react-native-screens": "3.32.0", usagae
` const Meeting = props => { const {route} = props; const jitsiMeetingRef = useRef(null); const navigation = useNavigation(); const backHandler = useRef(null);
useEffect(() => { // Add back handler only for Android if (Platform.OS === 'android') { backHandler.current = BackHandler.addEventListener( 'hardwareBackPress', () => { onClose(); // Call the onClose function when the back button is pressed return true; // Prevent the default back button behavior } ); }
}, []); const resetAction = CommonActions.reset({ index: 0, // Set the index of the route you want to navigate to (0 for the first screen) routes: [ {name: 'jitsi'}, // Add more routes if needed ], }); const onClose = () => { // navigation.goBack(); if (jitsiMeetingRef.current?.close) { jitsiMeetingRef.current.close(); // Properly close the Jitsi meeting } navigation.push('subCustomerMyBooking'); }; const onReadyToClose = nativeEvent => { console.log('onReadyToClose', nativeEvent); setTimeout(() => { onClose(); return true }, 1000); if (jitsiMeetingRef.current?.close) { jitsiMeetingRef.current.removeEventListener( 'onReadyToClose', onReadyToClose, ); jitsiMeetingRef.current.close(); } };
// Get the value of the 'jwt' parameter from the URL search parameters const jitsiUrl = route?.params?.jitsiUrl; const jwt = jitsiUrl?.split('?jwt=')[1]; const room = route?.params?.user || 'room'; const onConferenceLeft = () => { console.log('onConferenceLeft'); }; const eventListeners = { onReadyToClose, onConferenceLeft, }; return ( <JitsiMeeting eventListeners={eventListeners} ref={jitsiMeetingRef} onConferenceTerminated={()=>{console.log("Conference terminated")}} style={{flex: 1}} room={room} serverURL={route?.params?.jitsiUrl || ''} token={jwt || ''} config={{ hideConferenceTimer: true, }} /> ); };