jitsi / jitsi-meet

Jitsi Meet - Secure, Simple and Scalable Video Conferences that you use as a standalone app or embed in your web application.
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SCREEN_SHARE_TOGGLED event not called when screen share ends #14671

Open luca-rmg opened 3 weeks ago

luca-rmg commented 3 weeks ago


Hi, I need to understand when Android screen sharing starts and ends, but I noticed that the "SCREEN_SHARE_TOGGLED" broadcast event isn't triggered when screen sharing ends (for example, by toggling it in the Jitsi UI or ending it from the system). For this test, I'm using the Sample Android app with the project at commit with tag stable/jitsi-meet_9364.

Steps to reproduce:

  1. Join a conference
  2. Start a screen share
  3. Stop screen share

Expected behavior:

After stop screen share I expected to receive a "SCREEN_SHARE_TOGGLED" event.

Actual behavior:

Nothing happen, "SCREEN_SHARE_TOGGLED" event is triggered only at screen share start.

Server information:

Jitsi official server

Client information: