Closed krishnakingdom closed 5 days ago
Can you share the Jibri logs?
Hi @saghul
sharing the jibri logs, please verify once.
Copy of browser.1.txt Copy of browser.2.txt Copy of browser.0.txt ffmpeg.2.txt Copy of ffmpeg.0.txt Copy of ffmpeg.1.txt Copy of log.2.txt Copy of log.1.txt Copy of log.0.txt Copy of xorg.log log.0.txt log.1.txt log.2.txt xorg.log ffmpeg.1.txt ffmpeg.0.txt ffmpeg.3.txt browser.3.txt browser.2.txt browser.1.txt browser.0.txt
Hum, it looks like Jibri correctly went on to the IDLE state:
2024-11-26 06:46:57.569 INFO: [205] JibriStatusManager$special$$inlined$observable$1.afterChange#75: Busy status has changed: BUSY -> IDLE
2024-11-26 06:46:57.569 FINE: [205] WebhookClient$updateStatus$1.invokeSuspend#109: Updating 0 subscribers of status
2024-11-26 06:46:57.569 INFO: [205] XmppApi.updatePresence#212: Jibri reports its status is now JibriStatus(busyStatus=IDLE, health=OverallHealth(healthStatus=HEALTHY, details={})), publishing presence to connections
2024-11-26 06:47:39.092 FINE: [19] WebhookClient$updateStatus$1.invokeSuspend#109: Updating 0 subscribers of status
Do you see any errors (in prosody I guess?) when a meeting cannot be auto-recorded?
In prosody I am getting this error. Jibri is working fine all the time but sometimes it is got stuck may be some session like browser or ffmpeg or not closed correctly.
Nov 25 12:42:24 info Room destroyed by occupant Nov 25 12:42:30 bosh5db7215b-579e-48f7-879e-10ce40c010d8 info BOSH client disconnected: session close Nov 25 12:42:39 mod_bosh info New BOSH session, assigned it sid '01e67d13-c01c-4bff-bc64-733987d717de' Nov 25 12:42:40 bosh01e67d13-c01c-4bff-bc64-733987d717de info Authenticated as Nov 25 12:42:41 info room created, adding token moderation code Nov 25 12:42:55 mod_bosh info New BOSH session, assigned it sid 'b3815455-9a7e-4168-8696-c69e6df2ae0a' Nov 25 12:42:55 boshb3815455-9a7e-4168-8696-c69e6df2ae0a info Authenticated as Nov 25 12:44:19 info Room destroyed by occupant Nov 25 12:44:24 boshb3815455-9a7e-4168-8696-c69e6df2ae0a info BOSH client disconnected: session close Nov 25 12:44:24 bosh01e67d13-c01c-4bff-bc64-733987d717de info BOSH client disconnected: session close Nov 25 12:45:52 mod_bosh info New BOSH session, assigned it sid '4a7ff66f-1c8f-4977-9484-4b7149fad6c0' Nov 25 12:45:53 bosh4a7ff66f-1c8f-4977-9484-4b7149fad6c0 info Authenticated as Nov 25 12:45:55 info room created, adding token moderation code Nov 25 12:45:56 bosh4a7ff66f-1c8f-4977-9484-4b7149fad6c0 info BOSH client disconnected: session close Nov 25 12:45:57 mod_bosh info New BOSH session, assigned it sid 'a52fd872-3712-40c8-a9f8-a64b8718d68c' Nov 25 12:45:57 bosha52fd872-3712-40c8-a9f8-a64b8718d68c info Authenticated as Nov 25 12:45:59 timer error Traceback[timer]: ...share/jitsi-meet/prosody-plugins/mod_jibri_autostart.lua:26: attempt to index local 'occupant' (a nil value) stack traceback: ...share/jitsi-meet/prosody-plugins/mod_jibri_autostart.lua:26: in function '_start_recording' ...share/jitsi-meet/prosody-plugins/mod_jibri_autostart.lua:64: in function <...share/jitsi-meet/prosody-plugins/mod_jibri_autostart.lua:63> [C]: in function 'xpcall' /usr/lib/prosody/util/timer.lua:41: in function 'callback' /usr/lib/prosody/net/server_select.lua:885: in function '?' /usr/lib/prosody/net/server_select.lua:916: in function </usr/lib/prosody/net/server_select.lua:908> [C]: in function 'xpcall' /usr/bin/prosody:76: in function 'loop' /usr/bin/prosody:86: in main chunk [C]: in ? Nov 25 12:45:59 info room created, adding token moderation code Nov 25 12:46:18 bosha52fd872-3712-40c8-a9f8-a64b8718d68c info BOSH client disconnected: session close Nov 25 12:47:35 mod_bosh info New BOSH session, assigned it sid '42973b19-fa0a-4180-891c-cef8077981f6' Nov 25 12:47:35 bosh42973b19-fa0a-4180-891c-cef8077981f6 info Authenticated as Nov 25 12:47:37 info room created, adding token moderation code Nov 25 12:47:42 info Room destroyed by occupant Nov 25 12:47:46 bosh42973b19-fa0a-4180-891c-cef8077981f6 info BOSH client disconnected: session close Nov 25 12:48:06 mod_bosh info New BOSH session, assigned it sid 'c100ec0a-aa8e-4cf6-af00-94a7b6219bdf' Nov 25 12:48:06 boshc100ec0a-aa8e-4cf6-af00-94a7b6219bdf info Authenticated as Nov 25 12:48:08 info room created, adding token moderation code
.../mod_jibri_autostart.lua:26: attempt to index local 'occupant' (a nil value)
That would imply that the jibri_autostart could not find the room occupant given the jid, which, looking at the code could happen when someone joins the room then leaves within 3 seconds of joining.
I'm not sure this is the cause of your problems, since I'm assuming that event handler would kick in again when the next person joins and it should work then. But you could try to fix that to rule out the issue and have cleaner logs.
Try changing to something like:
-- check recording permission
if occupant == nil or occupant.role ~= "moderator" then
I changed the jibri AutoStart plugin accordingly as you suggested. But i think this might not causing the issue. could you please verify the below error and error log once. log.6.txt
Verify the below log file from line number 432
24-11-20-11-25-08.mp4 ([ffmpeg, -y, -v, info, -f, x11grab, -draw_mouse, 0, -r, 30, -s, 1920x1080, -thread_queue_size, 4096, -i, :0.0+0,0, -f, alsa, -thread_queue_size, 4096, -i, plug:bsnoop, -acodec, aac, -strict, -2, -ar, 44100, -b:a, 128k, -af, aresample=async=1, -c:v, libx264, -preset, veryfast, -profile:v, main, -level, 3.1, -pix_fmt, yuv420p, -r, 30, -crf, 25, -g, 60, -tune, zerolatency, -timestamp, now, -f, mp4, /s3/aauti-recordings/bacf3d60-6cd8-40e2-82be-9670d5733660/mastertheartofpaintingwithexpertguidanceforeveryskilllevel-673343efdd08eb77bdd3d0ec_2024-11-20-11-25-08.mp4])
2024-11-20 11:25:19.467 INFO: [144] [session_id=bacf3d60-6cd8-40e2-82be-9670d5733660] FfmpegCapturer.onFfmpegStateMachineStateChange#134: Ffmpeg capturer transitioning from state Starting up to Running
2024-11-20 11:25:19.468 INFO: [144] [session_id=bacf3d60-6cd8-40e2-82be-9670d5733660] StatefulJibriService.onServiceStateChange#39: File recording service transitioning from state Starting up to Running
2024-11-20 11:25:19.468 INFO: [144] XmppApi$createServiceStatusHandler$1.invoke#337: Current service started up successfully, sending on iq
2024-11-20 11:30:51.264 INFO: [135] XmppApi.updatePresence#212: Jibri reports its status is now JibriStatus(busyStatus=IDLE, health=OverallHealth(healthStatus=HEALTHY, details={})), publishing presence to connections
2024-11-20 11:30:51.617 SEVERE: [160] [session_id=70c1fbdf-cd36-437c-8972-7d6a05efdcd7] JibriSelenium.joinCall$lambda$3#327: An error occurred while joining the call
org.openqa.selenium.NoSuchSessionException: Session ID is null. Using WebDriver after calling quit()?
Build info: version: 'unknown', revision: 'unknown', time: 'unknown'
System info: host: 'jibri-vms0JLJED', ip: '', 'Linux', os.arch: 'amd64', os.version: '4.15.0-221-generic', java.version: '11.0.25'
Driver info: driver.version: RemoteWebDriver
at org.openqa.selenium.remote.HttpCommandExecutor.execute(
at org.openqa.selenium.remote.service.DriverCommandExecutor.execute(
at org.openqa.selenium.remote.RemoteWebDriver.execute(
at org.openqa.selenium.remote.RemoteWebDriver.executeScript(
at org.jitsi.jibri.selenium.pageobjects.CallPage$visit$1$1.invoke(CallPage.kt:46)
at org.jitsi.jibri.selenium.pageobjects.CallPage$visit$1$1.invoke(CallPage.kt:45)
at org.jitsi.jibri.selenium.pageobjects.CallPage.visit$lambda$1$lambda$0(CallPage.kt:45)
at org.jitsi.jibri.selenium.pageobjects.CallPage.visit(CallPage.kt:45)
at org.jitsi.jibri.selenium.JibriSelenium.joinCall$lambda$3(JibriSelenium.kt:318)
at java.base/java.util.concurrent.Executors$
at java.base/
at java.base/java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor.runWorker(
at java.base/java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor$
at java.base/
2024-11-20 11:30:51.617 INFO: [160] [session_id=70c1fbdf-cd36-437c-8972-7d6a05efdcd7] JibriSelenium.onSeleniumStateChange#216: Transitioning from state Starting up to Error: FailedToJoinCall SESSION Failed to join the call
2024-11-20 11:30:51.617 INFO: [160] [session_id=70c1fbdf-cd36-437c-8972-7d6a05efdcd7] StatefulJibriService.onServiceStateChange#39: File recording service transitioning from state Starting up to Error: FailedToJoinCall SESSION Failed to join the call
2024-11-20 11:30:51.617 INFO: [160] XmppApi$createServiceStatusHandler$1.invoke#320: Current service had an error Error: FailedToJoinCall SESSION Failed to join the call, sending error iq
Yup, I guessed as much that the error was a red herring, but I didn't want you to be hung up on that error hence my comments above.
From the error logs, it looks like Jibri is unable to join the call. I'm afraid I don't work with Jibri much so I can't be of much use here. Sorry.
p.s. you should really have posted this on the Community Forum before opening a Github issue. You'll get a wider audience of folks there than can assist you with debugging your deployment.
ok sure @shawnchin , thank you for the help.
@saghul could you please verify the issue once and suggest me the solution
@krishnakingdom See
What happened?
I have configured the Jibri in autoscaling to record multiple conferences, it was working fine. But suddenly sometimes when there is no load on Jibri still the Jibri is not recording the meeting, once we restart the Jibri service then it is start recording. My Jitsi meet setup is enabled for auto recording.
Browser / app / sdk version
jibri version 8.0-160-g5af7dd7-1
Relevant log output
No response
More details?
No response