jitsi / jitsi-meet

Jitsi Meet - Secure, Simple and Scalable Video Conferences that you use as a standalone app or embed in your web application.
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3rd Party Problem #3010

Closed RheineAdithia closed 5 years ago

RheineAdithia commented 6 years ago

I've a situation where if a 3rd party enter, the screen goes to the avatar icon and all video call are dropped. The mic dropped too after the 3rd party enter. but it seems that the chat is working fine.

I've read a couple of people has the same issue just like mine. and the jitsi i will be using is running behind NAT (443, 4443, and 10000udp are already opened and redirected to the public IP address). but it still doesn't work after all the experiment i've tried from all threads.. help

saghul commented 6 years ago

If you are behind NAT, have you enabled the proper ice4j harvester in the videobridge config? https://github.com/jitsi/ice4j/blob/master/doc/configuration.md#mapping-harvesters

RheineAdithia commented 6 years ago

@saghul yes i already added the 2 line that need to be added like in the quick installation page, those 2 lines are : org.ice4j.ice.harvest.NAT_HARVESTER_LOCAL_ADDRESS= org.ice4j.ice.harvest.NAT_HARVESTER_PUBLIC_ADDRESS=203.127.xxx.xxx

i've installed it in different server and it works well before, but after the changes the conference doesn't work, only the p2p connection works.

and i've read from other threads that what is making this happen is the selfsigned certificate, but i didn't do that part and the problem still occur

saghul commented 6 years ago

What errors do you see in the JS console? Also, please show us your jicofo and jvb logs.

RheineAdithia commented 6 years ago

here you go @saghul


RheineAdithia commented 6 years ago

given updates on this matter, actually if 2 person join the calls using different network, the call won't commence. it only give us a blank screen. The chat feature works fine, only the video is not working

saghul commented 6 years ago

I see a jicofo SSL cert error, did you have this installation and have upgraded recently?

Try running this: sudo update-ca-certificates

Then restart jicofo.

RheineAdithia commented 6 years ago

@saghul i just follow the quick installation from the jitsi docs. and running those command you gave me didn't give me any lucks on calling my partner. any more suggestion mr @saghul?

airhead-dom commented 6 years ago

@RheineAdithia @saghul im having exactly the same issue. this is kinda frustates me. been trying to rresolve the issue for the past 2 weeks and still not finding a clue. heeelp mr @saghul

damencho commented 6 years ago

The command is update-ca-certificates -f, ddoes that change anything?

damencho commented 6 years ago

@airhead-dom Do you see the same in jicofo logs?

@RheineAdithia here is something to check: https://github.com/jitsi/jitsi-meet/issues/2851#issuecomment-384454403 I'm also interested what do you have in those configs, what is missing, how did you install, did you remove anything and re-install, basically the steps to reproduce the problem so we can fix it. Recently we pushed some changes which fix most of the cases we saw.

And there is a workaround add the following config to /etc/jits/jicofo/sip-communicator.properties org.jitsi.jicofo.ALWAYS_TRUST_MODE_ENABLED=true

RheineAdithia commented 6 years ago

@damencho first thing first, thanks for the reply mr damencho.

running update-ca-certificates -f doesn't do any luck too mr damencho, peer to peer connection still couldn't be established either. And for the step how i installed it, i have 2 running linux server that i use to develop with jitsi. And for the one that i give you the log, the server is a fresh server, just installed ubuntu, nginx and then run all the step in the quick installation guides. i only followed the step before the "Adding sip-gateway to Jitsi Meet" segment. But after those step, i cannot call with three person on the room. After that i tried to reinstall it by uninstalling nginx and unistalling jitsi, but still no connection can be established. And after that i tried to remove the /etc/jitsi and /etc/nginx folder too recreate it when installing nginx and jitsi, but still no luck. and for the certificate, i tried using the "/usr/share/jitsi-meet/scripts/install-letsencrypt-cert.sh", no certificate whatsoever and trying with a free certificate, and still no luck too on running jitsi on my server.

with this comment, i attached the latest log from the JS, it showed 2 error saying these line :

Logger.js:125 [JitsiMeetJS.js] <Object.getGlobalOnErrorHandler>:  UnhandledError: null Script: null Line: null Column: null StackTrace:  DOMException: play() failed because the user didn't interact with the document first. https://goo.gl/xX8pDD
AbstractAudio.js:83 Uncaught (in promise) DOMException: play() failed because the user didn't interact with the document first. https://goo.gl/xX8pDD

hope this help to perfect jitsi, it is such a good apps, thats why im not stopping on experimenting ways to work things out. log-js.txt

RheineAdithia commented 6 years ago

new error came out after i add the : org.jitsi.jicofo.ALWAYS_TRUST_MODE_ENABLED=true log-js-2.txt

damencho commented 6 years ago

You have: CONFERENCE FAILED: conference.videobridgeNotAvailable Is video bridge running?

RheineAdithia commented 6 years ago

yes it is running @damencho, and after i remove the org.jitsi.jicofo.ALWAYS_TRUST_MODE_ENABLED=true from jicofo sip-comunicator.properties, the console error disappear

RheineAdithia commented 6 years ago

ok after meddling with the certificate, i use the one that i get online, and p2p connection can be established, but again the problem resurface, if 3 person are in a room it raised the same error, this is it : it kept giving play() failed because the user didn't interact with the document first. https://goo.gl/xX8pDD is it because the ssl that you mentioned above?


> :125 [JitsiMeetJS.js] <Object.getGlobalOnErrorHandler>:  UnhandledError: null Script: null Line: null Column: null StackTrace:  DOMException: play() failed because the user didn't interact with the document first. https://goo.gl/xX8pDD
> n @ Logger.js:125
> AbstractAudio.js:83 Uncaught (in promise) DOMException: play() failed because the user didn't interact with the document first. https://goo.gl/xX8pDD
> Logger.js:125 [JitsiMeetJS.js] <Object.getGlobalOnErrorHandler>:  UnhandledError: null Script: null Line: null Column: null StackTrace:  DOMException: play() failed because the user didn't interact with the document first. https://goo.gl/xX8pDD
> n @ Logger.js:125
> AbstractAudio.js:83 Uncaught (in promise) DOMException: play() failed because the user didn't interact with the document first. https://goo.gl/xX8pDD
> Logger.js:125 [JitsiMeetJS.js] <Object.getGlobalOnErrorHandler>:  UnhandledError: null Script: null Line: null Column: null StackTrace:  DOMException: play() failed because the user didn't interact with the document first. https://goo.gl/xX8pDD
> n @ Logger.js:125
> AbstractAudio.js:83 Uncaught (in promise) DOMException: play() failed because the user didn't interact with the document first. https://goo.gl/xX8pDD
> 2Logger.js:125 [modules/statistics/AnalyticsAdapter.js] <e.value>:  Not sending an event, disposed.
> n @ Logger.js:125
> Logger.js:125 [modules/xmpp/ChatRoom.js] <t.value>:  entered test@conference.zandenapps.com/5d441f04 Object
> Logger.js:125 [modules/UI/videolayout/VideoLayout.js] <Object.changeUserAvatar>:  Missed avatar update - no small video yet for 5d441f04
> n @ Logger.js:125
> Logger.js:125 [conference.js] <n.<anonymous>>:  USER %s connnected 5d441f04 e
> Logger.js:125 [JitsiConference.js] <r._maybeStartOrStopP2P>:  Will stop P2P with: test@conference.zandenapps.com/fc8a4e23
> Logger.js:125 [JitsiConference.js] <r._removeRemoteTracks>:  Removing remote P2P track: RemoteTrack[fc8a4e23, audio, p2p: true]
> Logger.js:125 [modules/UI/videolayout/RemoteVideo.js] <r.removeRemoteStreamElement>:  Audio removed fc8a4e23 ge.fn.init(1)
> Logger.js:125 [JitsiConference.js] <r._removeRemoteTracks>:  Removing remote P2P track: RemoteTrack[fc8a4e23, video, p2p: true]
> Logger.js:125 [modules/UI/videolayout/RemoteVideo.js] <r.removeRemoteStreamElement>:  Video removed fc8a4e23 ge.fn.init(1)
> Logger.js:125 [JitsiConference.js] <r._stopP2PSession>:  Stopping remote stats for P2P connection
> Logger.js:125 [JitsiConference.js] <r._stopP2PSession>:  Stopping CallStats for P2P connection
> Logger.js:125 [modules/xmpp/JingleSessionPC.js] <t.value>:  Sending session-terminate <iq to=​"test@conference.zandenapps.com/​fc8a4e23" type=​"set" xmlns=​"jabber:​client" id=​"e0abadc1-90f1-47e7-8fcb-6a8ef716fd67:​sendIQ">​…​</iq>​
> Logger.js:125 [modules/xmpp/JingleSessionPC.js] <t.value>:  Session terminated JingleSessionPC[p2p=true,initiator=false,sid=7e1c9661c3fc] undefined undefined
> Logger.js:125 [modules/RTC/TraceablePeerConnection.js] <r.close>:  Closing TPC[1,p2p:true]...
> Logger.js:125 [JitsiConference.js] <r._setP2PStatus>:  Peer to peer connection closed!
> Logger.js:125 [JitsiConference.js] <r._stopP2PSession>:  Not adding remote JVB tracks - no session yet
> Logger.js:125 [modules/UI/videolayout/LargeVideoManager.js] <>:  hover in %s fc8a4e23
> Logger.js:125 [modules/xmpp/JingleSessionPC.js] <t.value>:  The session has ended - cancelling action: oniceconnectionstatechange
> Logger.js:125 [JitsiMeetJS.js] <Object.getGlobalOnErrorHandler>:  UnhandledError: null Script: null Line: null Column: null StackTrace:  DOMException: play() failed because the user didn't interact with the document first. https://goo.gl/xX8pDD
> n @ Logger.js:125
> AbstractAudio.js:83 Uncaught (in promise) DOMException: play() failed because the user didn't interact with the document first. https://goo.gl/xX8pDD
> Logger.js:125 [modules/xmpp/strophe.jingle.js] <a.value>:  on jingle session-terminate from test@conference.zandenapps.com/fc8a4e23 <iq xmlns=​"jabber:​client" type=​"set" to=​"64f58c84-ddb0-42dc-80c0-2139fc8e7d1b@zandenapps.com/​9a560083-cab9-4dec-a316-c372b3879732" from=​"test@conference.zandenapps.com/​fc8a4e23" id=​"NjRmNThjODQtZGRiMC00MmRjLTgwYzAtMjEzOWZjOGU3ZDFiQHphbmRlbmFwcHMuY29tLzlhNTYwMDgzLWNhYjktNGRlYy1hMzE2LWMzNzJiMzg3OTczMgAyMDMzYjQyZi0zZmU2LTQ0MGYtYTMxNC1hMTNlZDY1MGQxMWU6c2VuZElRAEZBBehSvXjoKJm68uNAYAE=">​…​</iq>​
> Logger.js:125 [modules/xmpp/strophe.jingle.js] <a.value>:  invalid session id <iq xmlns=​"jabber:​client" type=​"set" to=​"64f58c84-ddb0-42dc-80c0-2139fc8e7d1b@zandenapps.com/​9a560083-cab9-4dec-a316-c372b3879732" from=​"test@conference.zandenapps.com/​fc8a4e23" id=​"NjRmNThjODQtZGRiMC00MmRjLTgwYzAtMjEzOWZjOGU3ZDFiQHphbmRlbmFwcHMuY29tLzlhNTYwMDgzLWNhYjktNGRlYy1hMzE2LWMzNzJiMzg3OTczMgAyMDMzYjQyZi0zZmU2LTQ0MGYtYTMxNC1hMTNlZDY1MGQxMWU6c2VuZElRAEZBBehSvXjoKJm68uNAYAE=">​…​</iq>​
> n @ Logger.js:125
> 3Logger.js:125 [modules/statistics/AnalyticsAdapter.js] <e.value>:  Not sending an event, disposed.
> n @ Logger.js:125
> Logger.js:125 [modules/UI/videolayout/LargeVideoManager.js] <>:  hover in %s 5d441f04
> Logger.js:125 [modules/statistics/AnalyticsAdapter.js] <e.value>:  Not sending an event, disposed.
> n @ Logger.js:125
> Logger.js:125 [modules/UI/videolayout/LargeVideoManager.js] <>:  hover in %s fc8a4e23
> logger.js:125 [JitsiMeetJS.js] <Object.getGlobalOnErrorHandler>:  UnhandledError: null Script: null Line: null Column: null StackTrace:  DOMException: play() failed because the user didn't interact with the document first. https://goo.gl/xX8pDDn @ Logger.js:125AbstractAudio.js:83 Uncaught (in promise) DOMException: play() failed because the user didn't interact with the document first. https://goo.gl/xX8pDDLogger.js:125 [JitsiMeetJS.js] <Object.getGlobalOnErrorHandler>:  UnhandledError: null Script: null Line: null Column: null StackTrace:  DOMException: play() failed because the user didn't interact with the document first. https://goo.gl/xX8pDDn @ Logger.js:125AbstractAudio.js:83 Uncaught (in promise) DOMException: play() failed because the user didn't interact with the document first. https://goo.gl/xX8pDDLogger.js:125 [JitsiMeetJS.js] <Object.getGlobalOnErrorHandler>:  UnhandledError: null Script: null Line: null Column: null StackTrace:  DOMException: play() failed because the user didn't interact with the document first. https://goo.gl/xX8pDDn @ Logger.js:125AbstractAudio.js:83 Uncaught (in promise) DOMException: play() failed because the user didn't interact with the document first. https://goo.gl/xX8pDD2Logger.js:125 [modules/statistics/AnalyticsAdapter.js] <e.value>:  Not sending an event, disposed.n @ Logger.js:125Logger.js:125 [modules/xmpp/ChatRoom.js] <t.value>:  entered test@conference.zandenapps.com/5d441f04 ObjectLogger.js:125 [modules/UI/videolayout/VideoLayout.js] <Object.changeUserAvatar>:  Missed avatar update - no small video yet for 5d441f04n @ Logger.js:125Logger.js:125 [conference.js] <n.<anonymous>>:  USER %s connnected 5d441f04 eLogger.js:125 [JitsiConference.js] <r._maybeStartOrStopP2P>:  Will stop P2P with: test@conference.zandenapps.com/fc8a4e23Logger.js:125 [JitsiConference.js] <r._removeRemoteTracks>:  Removing remote P2P track: RemoteTrack[fc8a4e23, audio, p2p: true]Logger.js:125 [modules/UI/videolayout/RemoteVideo.js] <r.removeRemoteStreamElement>:  Audio removed fc8a4e23 ge.fn.init(1)Logger.js:125 [JitsiConference.js] <r._removeRemoteTracks>:  Removing remote P2P track: RemoteTrack[fc8a4e23, video, p2p: true]Logger.js:125 [modules/UI/videolayout/RemoteVideo.js] <r.removeRemoteStreamElement>:  Video removed fc8a4e23 ge.fn.init(1)Logger.js:125 [JitsiConference.js] <r._stopP2PSession>:  Stopping remote stats for P2P connectionLogger.js:125 [JitsiConference.js] <r._stopP2PSession>:  Stopping CallStats for P2P connectionLogger.js:125 [modules/xmpp/JingleSessionPC.js] <t.value>:  Sending session-terminate <iq to=%E2%80%8B"test@conference.zandenapps.com/%E2%80%8Bfc8a4e23" type=%E2%80%8B"set" xmlns=%E2%80%8B"jabber:%E2%80%8Bclient" id=%E2%80%8B"e0abadc1-90f1-47e7-8fcb-6a8ef716fd67:%E2%80%8BsendIQ">%E2%80%8B%E2%80%A6%E2%80%8B</iq>%E2%80%8BLogger.js:125 [modules/xmpp/JingleSessionPC.js] <t.value>:  Session terminated JingleSessionPC[p2p=true,initiator=false,sid=7e1c9661c3fc] undefined undefinedLogger.js:125 [modules/RTC/TraceablePeerConnection.js] <r.close>:  Closing TPC[1,p2p:true]...Logger.js:125 [JitsiConference.js] <r._setP2PStatus>:  Peer to peer connection closed!Logger.js:125 [JitsiConference.js] <r._stopP2PSession>:  Not adding remote JVB tracks - no session yetLogger.js:125 [modules/UI/videolayout/LargeVideoManager.js] <>:  hover in %s fc8a4e23Logger.js:125 [modules/xmpp/JingleSessionPC.js] <t.value>:  The session has ended - cancelling action: oniceconnectionstatechangeLogger.js:125 [JitsiMeetJS.js] <Object.getGlobalOnErrorHandler>:  UnhandledError: null Script: null Line: null Column: null StackTrace:  DOMException: play() failed because the user didn't interact with the document first. https://goo.gl/xX8pDDn @ Logger.js:125AbstractAudio.js:83 Uncaught (in promise) DOMException: play() failed because the user didn't interact with the document first. https://goo.gl/xX8pDDLogger.js:125 [modules/xmpp/strophe.jingle.js] <a.value>:  on jingle session-terminate from test@conference.zandenapps.com/fc8a4e23 <iq xmlns=%E2%80%8B"jabber:%E2%80%8Bclient" type=%E2%80%8B"set" to=%E2%80%8B"64f58c84-ddb0-42dc-80c0-2139fc8e7d1b@zandenapps.com/%E2%80%8B9a560083-cab9-4dec-a316-c372b3879732" from=%E2%80%8B"test@conference.zandenapps.com/%E2%80%8Bfc8a4e23" id=%E2%80%8B"NjRmNThjODQtZGRiMC00MmRjLTgwYzAtMjEzOWZjOGU3ZDFiQHphbmRlbmFwcHMuY29tLzlhNTYwMDgzLWNhYjktNGRlYy1hMzE2LWMzNzJiMzg3OTczMgAyMDMzYjQyZi0zZmU2LTQ0MGYtYTMxNC1hMTNlZDY1MGQxMWU6c2VuZElRAEZBBehSvXjoKJm68uNAYAE=">%E2%80%8B%E2%80%A6%E2%80%8B</iq>%E2%80%8BLogger.js:125 [modules/xmpp/strophe.jingle.js] <a.value>:  invalid session id <iq xmlns=%E2%80%8B"jabber:%E2%80%8Bclient" type=%E2%80%8B"set" to=%E2%80%8B"64f58c84-ddb0-42dc-80c0-2139fc8e7d1b@zandenapps.com/%E2%80%8B9a560083-cab9-4dec-a316-c372b3879732" from=%E2%80%8B"test@conference.zandenapps.com/%E2%80%8Bfc8a4e23" id=%E2%80%8B"NjRmNThjODQtZGRiMC00MmRjLTgwYzAtMjEzOWZjOGU3ZDFiQHphbmRlbmFwcHMuY29tLzlhNTYwMDgzLWNhYjktNGRlYy1hMzE2LWMzNzJiMzg3OTczMgAyMDMzYjQyZi0zZmU2LTQ0MGYtYTMxNC1hMTNlZDY1MGQxMWU6c2VuZElRAEZBBehSvXjoKJm68uNAYAE=">%E2%80%8B%E2%80%A6%E2%80%8B</iq>%E2%80%8Bn @ Logger.js:1253Logger.js:125 [modules/statistics/AnalyticsAdapter.js] <e.value>:  Not sending an event, disposed.n @ Logger.js:125Logger.js:125 [modules/UI/videolayout/LargeVideoManager.js] <>:  hover in %s 5d441f04Logger.js:125 [modules/statistics/AnalyticsAdapter.js] <e.value>:  Not sending an event, disposed.n @ Logger.js:125Logger.js:125 [modules/UI/videolayout/LargeVideoManager.js] <>:  hover in %s fc8a4e23
damencho commented 6 years ago

org.jitsi.jicofo.ALWAYS_TRUST_MODE_ENABLED=true has nothing to do with jvb not registered to xmpp server. In 3 person conference if having problem you need to check jicofo logs, if you see the cert error you need to fix the certificates, to make auth.your.domain cert trusted on the server running jicofo or use org.jitsi.jicofo.ALWAYS_TRUST_MODE_ENABLED=true to disable cert checking.

c526537207 commented 6 years ago

This problem I have encountered is a problem when p2p switches to JVB.Is your service built on the server above?

scrolls-mckenzie commented 6 years ago

Did this ever get solved?

I'm still having issues with this. I have a brand new EC2 in a VPC using the quick install and have forwarded the ports in the security group as follows


I have also added the private an public IP's of my instance into the sip.communicator-properties org.ice4j.ice.harvest.NAT_HARVESTER_LOCAL_ADDRESS=172.x.x.xxx org.ice4j.ice.harvest.NAT_HARVESTER_PUBLIC_ADDRESS=13.xxx.xxx.xxx

I can have 2 participants using P2P without issue but when a third joins I get no connections for audio or video. In the config file, if I turn P2P off I cannot get 2 participants to work which leads me to believe it is the JVB. I have tried browser to browser as well as using an electron package as a client.

The issue that i see when i connect the third participant in the Chrome Console is

[modules/xmpp/strophe.jingle.js] <a.value>: invalid session id ​

I have read dozens of similar posts that lead to people getting it to work due to ports but I think i have the covered. Any comments would be really appreciated

saghul commented 6 years ago

Please paste full console log.

scrolls-mckenzie commented 6 years ago

Hi @saghul

Thanks for getting back to me. I have included the console from chrome. This is from the beginning of the 3rd person joining

[conference.js] <n.>: USER %s connnected 5a4153d6 e {_jid: "test2@conference.MY.DOMAIN.com/5a4153d6", _id: "5a4153d6", _conference: r, _displayName: "me", _supportsDTMF: false, …} Logger.js:125 [JitsiConference.js] <r._maybeStartOrStopP2P>: P2P? isModerator: true, peerCount: 2, hasBotPeer: false => false Logger.js:125 [JitsiConference.js] <r._maybeStartOrStopP2P>: Will stop P2P with: test2@conference.MY.DOMAIN.com/52dfdae3 Logger.js:125 [modules/statistics/statistics.js] : {"type":"operational","action":"switch.to.jvb","source":"p2p","attributes":{}} Logger.js:125 [JitsiConference.js] <r._resumeMediaTransferForJvbConnection>: Resuming media transfer over the JVB connection... Logger.js:125 [modules/xmpp/JingleSessionPC.js] <t.value>: Queued make video active, audio active task... Logger.js:125 [JitsiConference.js] <r._removeRemoteTracks>: Removing remote P2P track: RemoteTrack[52dfdae3, audio, p2p: true] Logger.js:125 [modules/UI/videolayout/RemoteVideo.js] <r.removeRemoteStreamElement>: Audio removed 52dfdae3 ge.fn.init [audio#remoteAudio_0841f56e-e743-4ccd-9b7b-5eedcfcc2da1-3] Logger.js:125 [modules/UI/videolayout/RemoteVideo.js] <r.updateConnectionStatusIndicator>: 52dfdae3 thumbnail connection status: active Logger.js:125 [JitsiConference.js] <r._removeRemoteTracks>: Removing remote P2P track: RemoteTrack[52dfdae3, video, p2p: true] Logger.js:125 [modules/connectivity/ParticipantConnectionStatus.js] <e.value>: Detector on remote track removed: 52dfdae3 Logger.js:125 [modules/connectivity/ParticipantConnectionStatus.js] <e.value>: Assuming connection active by JVB - no notification Logger.js:125 [modules/connectivity/ParticipantConnectionStatus.js] <e.value>: Figure out conn status for 52dfdae3, is video muted: true is active(jvb): true video track frozen: false p2p mode: true is in last N: true currentStatus => newStatus: active => active Logger.js:125 [modules/UI/videolayout/RemoteVideo.js] <r.removeRemoteStreamElement>: Video removed 52dfdae3 ge.fn.init [video#remoteVideo_8dfb555e-22d9-432b-8715-502eb609cde1-3] Logger.js:125 [modules/UI/videolayout/RemoteVideo.js] <r.updateConnectionStatusIndicator>: 52dfdae3 thumbnail connection status: active Logger.js:125 [modules/UI/videolayout/RemoteVideo.js] <r.updateConnectionStatusIndicator>: 52dfdae3 thumbnail connection status: active Logger.js:125 [modules/UI/videolayout/RemoteVideo.js] <r.updateConnectionStatusIndicator>: 52dfdae3 thumbnail connection status: active Logger.js:125 [JitsiConference.js] <r._stopP2PSession>: Stopping remote stats for P2P connection Logger.js:125 [JitsiConference.js] <r._stopP2PSession>: Stopping CallStats for P2P connection Logger.js:125 [modules/xmpp/JingleSessionPC.js] <t.value>: Sending session-terminate <iq to=​"test2@conference.MY.DOMAIN.com/​52dfdae3" type=​"set" xmlns=​"jabber:​client" id=​"58d610b3-3582-4b15-b341-3b021fc6d43f:​sendIQ">​…​​ Logger.js:125 [modules/xmpp/JingleSessionPC.js] <t.value>: Session terminated JingleSessionPC[p2p=true,initiator=true,sid=9dc1b727b0e4] undefined undefined Logger.js:125 [modules/RTC/TraceablePeerConnection.js] <r.close>: Closing TPC[3,p2p:true]... Logger.js:125 [JitsiConference.js] <r._setP2PStatus>: Peer to peer connection closed! Logger.js:125 [modules/connectivity/ParticipantConnectionStatus.js] <e.value>: Assuming connection active by JVB - no notification Logger.js:125 [modules/connectivity/ParticipantConnectionStatus.js] <e.value>: Figure out conn status for 52dfdae3, is video muted: true is active(jvb): true video track frozen: false p2p mode: false is in last N: true currentStatus => newStatus: active => active Logger.js:125 [modules/connectivity/ParticipantConnectionStatus.js] <e.value>: Assuming connection active by JVB - no notification Logger.js:125 [modules/connectivity/ParticipantConnectionStatus.js] <e.value>: Figure out conn status for 5a4153d6, is video muted: true is active(jvb): true video track frozen: false p2p mode: false is in last N: true currentStatus => newStatus: active => active Logger.js:125 [modules/statistics/AvgRTPStatsReporter.js] <n._onP2PStatusChanged>: Resetting average stats calculation Logger.js:125 [JitsiConference.js] <r._addRemoteTracks>: Adding remote JVB track: RemoteTrack[52dfdae3, audio, p2p: false] Logger.js:125 [JitsiConference.js] <r._addRemoteTracks>: Adding remote JVB track: RemoteTrack[52dfdae3, video, p2p: false] Logger.js:125 [modules/connectivity/ParticipantConnectionStatus.js] <e.value>: Detector on remote track added for: 52dfdae3 Logger.js:125 [modules/UI/videolayout/RemoteVideo.js] <r.updateConnectionStatusIndicator>: 52dfdae3 thumbnail connection status: active [Violation] 'readystatechange' handler took 211ms Logger.js:125 [modules/UI/videolayout/LargeVideoManager.js] <>: hover in %s 52dfdae3 Logger.js:125 [modules/UI/videolayout/RemoteVideo.js] <r.updateConnectionStatusIndicator>: 52dfdae3 thumbnail connection status: active Logger.js:125 [modules/UI/videolayout/RemoteVideo.js] <r.updateConnectionStatusIndicator>: 52dfdae3 thumbnail connection status: active Logger.js:125 [modules/xmpp/JingleSessionPC.js] <t.value>: Renegotiate: setting remote description Logger.js:125 [modules/xmpp/JingleSessionPC.js] <t.value>: The session has ended - cancelling action: oniceconnectionstatechange Logger.js:125 [modules/xmpp/JingleSessionPC.js] <>: Renegotiate: creating answer Logger.js:125 [modules/xmpp/SdpConsistency.js] <e.value>: TPC[2,p2p:false] sdp-consistency replacing new ssrc3931304652 with cached 3931304652 Logger.js:125 [modules/xmpp/RtxModifier.js] <e.value>: Current ssrc mapping: Map(3) {3931304652 => 790906281, 1235156636 => 2075865749, 2658292763 => 1637387523} Logger.js:125 [modules/xmpp/RtxModifier.js] <e.value>: Parsed primary video ssrcs (3) [3931304652, 1235156636, 2658292763] making sure all have rtx streams Logger.js:125 [modules/xmpp/RtxModifier.js] <e.value>: Already have an associated rtx ssrc forvideo ssrc 3931304652: 790906281 Logger.js:125 [modules/xmpp/RtxModifier.js] : Updating mline to associate 790906281rtx ssrc with primary stream, 3931304652 Logger.js:125 [modules/xmpp/RtxModifier.js] : 790906281 was already associated with 3931304652 Logger.js:125 [modules/xmpp/RtxModifier.js] <e.value>: Already have an associated rtx ssrc forvideo ssrc 1235156636: 2075865749 Logger.js:125 [modules/xmpp/RtxModifier.js] : Updating mline to associate 2075865749rtx ssrc with primary stream, 1235156636 Logger.js:125 [modules/xmpp/RtxModifier.js] : 2075865749 was already associated with 1235156636 Logger.js:125 [modules/xmpp/RtxModifier.js] <e.value>: Already have an associated rtx ssrc forvideo ssrc 2658292763: 1637387523 Logger.js:125 [modules/xmpp/RtxModifier.js] : Updating mline to associate 1637387523rtx ssrc with primary stream, 2658292763 Logger.js:125 [modules/xmpp/RtxModifier.js] : 1637387523 was already associated with 2658292763 Logger.js:125 [modules/xmpp/JingleSessionPC.js] <>: Renegotiate: setting local description Logger.js:125 [modules/xmpp/strophe.jingle.js] <a.value>: on jingle session-terminate from test2@conference.MY.DOMAIN.com/52dfdae3 <iq xmlns=​"jabber:​client" type=​"set" to=​"e1cf3527-b480-4894-a3fe-9db957f07d97@MY.DOMAIN.com/​916f9f0e-8753-40be-8ee5-083247447ef3" from=​"test2@conference.MY.DOMAIN.com/​52dfdae3" id=​"ZTFjZjM1MjctYjQ4MC00ODk0LWEzZmUtOWRiOTU3ZjA3ZDk3QGV2aW1lZXQuZXZpcG9ydC5jb20vOTE2ZjlmMGUtODc1My00MGJlLThlZTUtMDgzMjQ3NDQ3ZWYzAGE4ZDNmMDAzLTRkNTMtNDBjNS05ZWRkLWUyODQ0ODY2MDAyNjpzZW5kSVEAZs95CRXh5J7MLvqeKbA+3g==">​…​​ Logger.js:125 [modules/xmpp/strophe.jingle.js] <a.value>: invalid session id <iq xmlns=​"jabber:​client" type=​"set" to=​"e1cf3527-b480-4894-a3fe-9db957f07d97@MY.DOMAIN.com/​916f9f0e-8753-40be-8ee5-083247447ef3" from=​"test2@conference.MY.DOMAIN.com/​52dfdae3" id=​"ZTFjZjM1MjctYjQ4MC00ODk0LWEzZmUtOWRiOTU3ZjA3ZDk3QGV2aW1lZXQuZXZpcG9ydC5jb20vOTE2ZjlmMGUtODc1My00MGJlLThlZTUtMDgzMjQ3NDQ3ZWYzAGE4ZDNmMDAzLTRkNTMtNDBjNS05ZWRkLWUyODQ0ODY2MDAyNjpzZW5kSVEAZs95CRXh5J7MLvqeKbA+3g==">​…​​ n @ Logger.js:125 value @ strophe.jingle.js:92 run @ strophe.js:2556 (anonymous) @ strophe.js:3822 forEachChild @ strophe.js:1522 _dataRecv @ strophe.js:3810 _onRequestStateChange @ strophe.js:5559 XMLHttpRequest.send (async) l @ strophe.js:5662 _processRequest @ strophe.js:5677 _throttledRequestHandler @ strophe.js:5823 _onIdle @ strophe.js:5455 _onIdle @ strophe.js:4467 (anonymous) @ strophe.js:5789 setTimeout (async) _send @ strophe.js:5788 send @ strophe.js:3270 sendIQ @ strophe.js:3411 value @ JingleSessionPC.js:1228 r._stopP2PSession @ JitsiConference.js:2717 r._maybeStartOrStopP2P @ JitsiConference.js:2678 r.onMemberJoined @ JitsiConference.js:1211 n.emit @ events.js:89 value @ ChatRoom.js:531 value @ strophe.emuc.js:103 run @ strophe.js:2556 (anonymous) @ strophe.js:3822 forEachChild @ strophe.js:1522 _dataRecv @ strophe.js:3810 _onRequestStateChange @ strophe.js:5559 XMLHttpRequest.send (async) l @ strophe.js:5662 _processRequest @ strophe.js:5677 _throttledRequestHandler @ strophe.js:5829 _onIdle @ strophe.js:5455 _onIdle @ strophe.js:4467 (anonymous) @ strophe.js:5789 setTimeout (async) _send @ strophe.js:5788 send @ strophe.js:3270 sendIQ @ strophe.js:3411 value @ strophe.ping.js:79 (anonymous) @ strophe.ping.js:119 setInterval (async) value @ strophe.ping.js:118 (anonymous) @ xmpp.js:161 (anonymous) @ strophe.ping.js:92 Promise.then (async) value @ strophe.ping.js:91 value @ xmpp.js:157 _changeConnectStatus @ strophe.js:3683 _sasl_session_cb @ strophe.js:4305 run @ strophe.js:2556 (anonymous) @ strophe.js:3822 forEachChild @ strophe.js:1522 _dataRecv @ strophe.js:3810 _onRequestStateChange @ strophe.js:5559 XMLHttpRequest.send (async) l @ strophe.js:5662 _processRequest @ strophe.js:5677 _throttledRequestHandler @ strophe.js:5823 _onIdle @ strophe.js:5455 _onIdle @ strophe.js:4467 (anonymous) @ strophe.js:5789 setTimeout (async) _send @ strophe.js:5788 send @ strophe.js:3270 _sasl_bind_cb @ strophe.js:4275 run @ strophe.js:2556 (anonymous) @ strophe.js:3822 forEachChild @ strophe.js:1522 _dataRecv @ strophe.js:3810 _onRequestStateChange @ strophe.js:5559 XMLHttpRequest.send (async) l @ strophe.js:5662 _processRequest @ strophe.js:5677 _throttledRequestHandler @ strophe.js:5823 _onIdle @ strophe.js:5455 _onIdle @ strophe.js:4467 (anonymous) @ strophe.js:5789 setTimeout (async) _send @ strophe.js:5788 send @ strophe.js:3270 _sasl_auth1_cb @ strophe.js:4234 i @ strophe.js:4181 (anonymous) @ strophe.js:4185 run @ strophe.js:2556 (anonymous) @ strophe.js:3822 forEachChild @ strophe.js:1522 _dataRecv @ strophe.js:3810 _onRequestStateChange @ strophe.js:5559 XMLHttpRequest.send (async) l @ strophe.js:5662 _processRequest @ strophe.js:5677 _throttledRequestHandler @ strophe.js:5823 _onIdle @ strophe.js:5455 _onIdle @ strophe.js:4467 (anonymous) @ strophe.js:3439 setTimeout (async) _sendRestart @ strophe.js:3438 _sasl_success_cb @ strophe.js:4192 run @ strophe.js:2556 (anonymous) @ strophe.js:3822 forEachChild @ strophe.js:1522 _dataRecv @ strophe.js:3810 _onRequestStateChange @ strophe.js:5559 XMLHttpRequest.send (async) l @ strophe.js:5662 _processRequest @ strophe.js:5677 _throttledRequestHandler @ strophe.js:5823 _onIdle @ strophe.js:5455 _onIdle @ strophe.js:4467 (anonymous) @ strophe.js:5789 setTimeout (async) _send @ strophe.js:5788 send @ strophe.js:3270 _attemptSASLAuth @ strophe.js:4018 authenticate @ strophe.js:4070 _connect_cb @ strophe.js:3945 _onRequestStateChange @ strophe.js:5559 XMLHttpRequest.send (async) l @ strophe.js:5662 _processRequest @ strophe.js:5677 _throttledRequestHandler @ strophe.js:5823 connect @ strophe.js:5170 connect @ strophe.js:3051 value @ xmpp.js:282 value @ xmpp.js:342 r.connect @ JitsiConnection.js:61 e @ connection.js:38 (anonymous) @ connection.js:62 r @ connection.js:86 t.a @ connection.js:179 (anonymous) @ conference.js:148 createInitialLocalTracksAndConnect @ conference.js:158 init @ conference.js:683 (anonymous) @ actions.web.js:28 (anonymous) @ index.js:11 (anonymous) @ middleware.js:41 (anonymous) @ middleware.js:27 (anonymous) @ middleware.js:13 (anonymous) @ middleware.js:21 (anonymous) @ middleware.js:22 (anonymous) @ middleware.js:18 (anonymous) @ middleware.web.js:32 (anonymous) @ middleware.js:28 (anonymous) @ middleware.js:17 (anonymous) @ middleware.js:43 (anonymous) @ middleware.js:30 (anonymous) @ middleware.js:20 (anonymous) @ middleware.js:12 (anonymous) @ middleware.js:33 (anonymous) @ middleware.js:25 (anonymous) @ middleware.web.js:23 (anonymous) @ middleware.any.js:94 (anonymous) @ middleware.js:60 (anonymous) @ middleware.js:33 (anonymous) @ middleware.js:25 (anonymous) @ middleware.js:29 (anonymous) @ middleware.js:31 (anonymous) @ middleware.js:43 (anonymous) @ middleware.js:44 (anonymous) @ middleware.js:94 (anonymous) @ middleware.js:24 (anonymous) @ middleware.js:42 (anonymous) @ middleware.js:38 (anonymous) @ middleware.js:27 (anonymous) @ middleware.js:23 (anonymous) @ middleware.js:25 (anonymous) @ middleware.js:45 (anonymous) @ middleware.js:33 (anonymous) @ middleware.js:18 (anonymous) @ middleware.js:130 (anonymous) @ middleware.js:126 value @ Conference.web.js:222 value @ Conference.web.js:123 commitLifeCycles @ react-dom.production.min.js:158 w @ react-dom.production.min.js:184 @ react-dom.production.min.js:181 g @ react-dom.production.min.js:180 v @ react-dom.production.min.js:180 h @ react-dom.production.min.js:179 c @ react-dom.production.min.js:178 enqueueSetState @ react-dom.production.min.js:109 o.setState @ react.production.min.js:12 e @ translate.js:123 n @ translate.js:135 (anonymous) @ EventEmitter.js:46 e.emit @ EventEmitter.js:45 (anonymous) @ i18next.js:162 (anonymous) @ i18next.js:265 (anonymous) @ i18next.js:266 t.load @ BackendConnector.js:183 (anonymous) @ i18next.js:215 t.load @ CacheConnector.js:40 t.loadResources @ i18next.js:214 r @ i18next.js:280 t.changeLanguage @ i18next.js:286 s @ i18next.js:159 setTimeout (async) t.init @ i18next.js:171 (anonymous) @ i18next.js:68 t @ bootstrap e6d4fddae23d8fc270d6:19 (anonymous) @ actions.js:46 t @ bootstrap e6d4fddae23d8fc270d6:19 (anonymous) @ actionTypes.js:10 t @ bootstrap e6d4fddae23d8fc270d6:19 (anonymous) @ functions.js:87 (anonymous) @ functions.js:9 t @ bootstrap e6d4fddae23d8fc270d6:19 (anonymous) @ AnalyticsEvents.js:520 t @ bootstrap e6d4fddae23d8fc270d6:19 (anonymous) @ actions.js:710 (anonymous) @ actions.js:504 t @ bootstrap e6d4fddae23d8fc270d6:19 (anonymous) @ defineProperty.js:23 t @ bootstrap e6d4fddae23d8fc270d6:19 (anonymous) @ actions.js:238 (anonymous) @ actions.js:263 t @ bootstrap e6d4fddae23d8fc270d6:19 (anonymous) @ reducer.js:44 t @ bootstrap e6d4fddae23d8fc270d6:19 (anonymous) @ actions.js:20 t @ bootstrap e6d4fddae23d8fc270d6:19 (anonymous) @ actions.js:17 t @ bootstrap e6d4fddae23d8fc270d6:19 (anonymous) @ connection.js:149 (anonymous) @ AuthHandler.js:229 t @ bootstrap e6d4fddae23d8fc270d6:19 (anonymous) @ connection.js:189 (anonymous) @ connection.js:149 t @ bootstrap e6d4fddae23d8fc270d6:19 (anonymous) @ jquery.autosize.js:274 (anonymous) @ conference.js:2707 t @ bootstrap e6d4fddae23d8fc270d6:19 (anonymous) @ Chat.js:404 t @ bootstrap e6d4fddae23d8fc270d6:19 (anonymous) @ bootstrap e6d4fddae23d8fc270d6:62 (anonymous) @ bootstrap e6d4fddae23d8fc270d6:62 Logger.js:125 [JitsiConference.js] <>: Resumed media transfer over the JVB connection! Logger.js:125 [modules/xmpp/strophe.jingle.js] <a.value>: on jingle source-add from test2@conference.MY.DOMAIN.com/focus <iq xmlns=​"jabber:​client" type=​"set" to=​"e1cf3527-b480-4894-a3fe-9db957f07d97@MY.DOMAIN.com/​916f9f0e-8753-40be-8ee5-083247447ef3" from=​"test2@conference.MY.DOMAIN.com/​focus" id=​"ZTFjZjM1MjctYjQ4MC00ODk0LWEzZmUtOWRiOTU3ZjA3ZDk3QGV2aW1lZXQuZXZpcG9ydC5jb20vOTE2ZjlmMGUtODc1My00MGJlLThlZTUtMDgzMjQ3NDQ3ZWYzADFycW5wLTM1NgA8iEJTZWt69AeBm4geEX2a">​…​​ Logger.js:125 [modules/RTC/LocalSdpMunger.js] <e.value>: TPC[2,p2p:false] LocalTrack[2,video] muted: false, is in PeerConnection: true => should fake sdp ? : false Logger.js:125 [modules/RTC/LocalSdpMunger.js] <e.value>: TPC[2,p2p:false] LocalTrack[2,video] muted: false, is in PeerConnection: true => should fake sdp ? : false Logger.js:125 [modules/xmpp/JingleSessionPC.js] <>: Processing addRemoteStream Logger.js:125 [modules/xmpp/JingleSessionPC.js] <>: ICE connection state: checking Logger.js:125 [modules/RTC/LocalSdpMunger.js] <e.value>: TPC[2,p2p:false] LocalTrack[2,video] muted: false, is in PeerConnection: true => should fake sdp ? : false Logger.js:125 [modules/xmpp/JingleSessionPC.js] <t.value>: Renegotiate: setting remote description index.js:159 Imploding SIM group: 1473071074 2838618747 692716960 Logger.js:125 [modules/RTC/TraceablePeerConnection.js] <r._remoteTrackAdded>: TPC[2,p2p:false] remote track added: d35826d1-a96a-4210-8f38-c8f9b0eada92-1 audio Logger.js:125 [modules/RTC/TraceablePeerConnection.js] <r._remoteTrackAdded>: TPC[2,p2p:false] associated ssrc 5a4153d6 904229027 Logger.js:125 [modules/RTC/TraceablePeerConnection.js] <r._remoteTrackAdded>: TPC[2,p2p:false] remote track added: d35826d1-a96a-4210-8f38-c8f9b0eada92-1 video Logger.js:125 [modules/RTC/TraceablePeerConnection.js] <r._remoteTrackAdded>: TPC[2,p2p:false] associated ssrc 5a4153d6 1473071074 Logger.js:125 [modules/connectivity/ParticipantConnectionStatus.js] <e.value>: Detector on remote track added for: 5a4153d6 Logger.js:125 [modules/UI/videolayout/RemoteVideo.js] <r.updateConnectionStatusIndicator>: 5a4153d6 thumbnail connection status: active Logger.js:125 [modules/xmpp/JingleSessionPC.js] <>: Renegotiate: creating answer Logger.js:125 [modules/xmpp/SdpConsistency.js] <e.value>: TPC[2,p2p:false] sdp-consistency replacing new ssrc3931304652 with cached 3931304652 Logger.js:125 [modules/xmpp/RtxModifier.js] <e.value>: Current ssrc mapping: Map(3) {3931304652 => 790906281, 1235156636 => 2075865749, 2658292763 => 1637387523} Logger.js:125 [modules/xmpp/RtxModifier.js] <e.value>: Parsed primary video ssrcs (3) [3931304652, 1235156636, 2658292763] making sure all have rtx streams Logger.js:125 [modules/xmpp/RtxModifier.js] <e.value>: Already have an associated rtx ssrc forvideo ssrc 3931304652: 790906281 Logger.js:125 [modules/xmpp/RtxModifier.js] : Updating mline to associate 790906281rtx ssrc with primary stream, 3931304652 Logger.js:125 [modules/xmpp/RtxModifier.js] : 790906281 was already associated with 3931304652 Logger.js:125 [modules/xmpp/RtxModifier.js] <e.value>: Already have an associated rtx ssrc forvideo ssrc 1235156636: 2075865749 Logger.js:125 [modules/xmpp/RtxModifier.js] : Updating mline to associate 2075865749rtx ssrc with primary stream, 1235156636 Logger.js:125 [modules/xmpp/RtxModifier.js] : 2075865749 was already associated with 1235156636 Logger.js:125 [modules/xmpp/RtxModifier.js] <e.value>: Already have an associated rtx ssrc forvideo ssrc 2658292763: 1637387523 Logger.js:125 [modules/xmpp/RtxModifier.js] : Updating mline to associate 1637387523rtx ssrc with primary stream, 2658292763 Logger.js:125 [modules/xmpp/RtxModifier.js] : 1637387523 was already associated with 2658292763 Logger.js:125 [modules/xmpp/JingleSessionPC.js] <>: Renegotiate: setting local description Logger.js:125 [modules/RTC/LocalSdpMunger.js] <e.value>: TPC[2,p2p:false] LocalTrack[2,video] muted: false, is in PeerConnection: true => should fake sdp ? : false Logger.js:125 [modules/xmpp/JingleSessionPC.js] <>: addRemoteStream - OK, SDPs: r {media: Array(3), raw: "v=0 ↵o=- 7452562567801829361 9 IN IP4 ↵s…trickle ↵a=sctpmap:5000 webrtc-datachannel 1024 ↵", session: "v=0 ↵o=- 7452562567801829361 9 IN IP4 ↵s…a-cf3168797f2d ↵a=group:BUNDLE audio video data ↵"} r {media: Array(3), raw: "v=0 ↵o=- 7452562567801829361 10 IN IP4 ↵…trickle ↵a=sctpmap:5000 webrtc-datachannel 1024 ↵", session: "v=0 ↵o=- 7452562567801829361 10 IN IP4 ↵…a-cf3168797f2d ↵a=group:BUNDLE audio video data ↵"} Logger.js:125 [modules/xmpp/JingleSessionPC.js] <t.value>: removal not necessary Logger.js:125 [modules/xmpp/JingleSessionPC.js] <t.value>: addition not necessary Logger.js:125 [modules/statistics/RTPStatsCollector.js] <o.processAudioLevelReport>: 904229027 not enough data n @ Logger.js:125 o.processAudioLevelReport @ RTPStatsCollector.js:904 (anonymous) @ RTPStatsCollector.js:328 Logger.js:125 [modules/statistics/RTPStatsCollector.js] <o.processAudioLevelReport>: 1473071074 not enough data n @ Logger.js:125 o.processAudioLevelReport @ RTPStatsCollector.js:904 (anonymous) @ RTPStatsCollector.js:328 Logger.js:125 [modules/RTC/JitsiRemoteTrack.js] <t.value>: "onmute" event(1534560618452): 5a4153d6 video 1473071074 Logger.js:125 [modules/connectivity/ParticipantConnectionStatus.js] <e.value>: Detector track RTC muted: 5a4153d6 1534560618454 Logger.js:125 [modules/connectivity/ParticipantConnectionStatus.js] <>: Set RTC mute timeout for: 5a4153d6 of 2000 ms Logger.js:125 [modules/connectivity/ParticipantConnectionStatus.js] <e.value>: Assuming connection active by JVB - no notification Logger.js:125 [modules/connectivity/ParticipantConnectionStatus.js] <e.value>: Figure out conn status for 5a4153d6, is video muted: false is active(jvb): true video track frozen: true p2p mode: false is in last N: true currentStatus => newStatus: active => restoring Logger.js:125 [modules/connectivity/ParticipantConnectionStatus.js] <e.value>: Emit endpoint conn status(1534560620456) 5a4153d6: restoring Logger.js:125 [modules/UI/videolayout/RemoteVideo.js] <r.updateConnectionStatusIndicator>: 5a4153d6 thumbnail connection status: restoring Logger.js:125 [modules/connectivity/ParticipantConnectionStatus.js] <e.value>: Assuming connection active by JVB - no notification Logger.js:125 [modules/connectivity/ParticipantConnectionStatus.js] <e.value>: Figure out conn status for 5a4153d6, is video muted: false is active(jvb): true video track frozen: true p2p mode: false is in last N: true currentStatus => newStatus: restoring => restoring

stale[bot] commented 5 years ago

This issue has been automatically marked as stale because it has not had recent activity. It will be closed if no further activity occurs. Thank you for your contributions.

maheshzh commented 11 months ago


Is this problem reported in k8s env?. Recently we configured jitsimeet on kubernates cluster. Nginx access is used to connect to meet and we opened udp port through node port. Everything works fine except mobile. If I log in on mobile a third party (Fellow Jitster, without audio and video) automatically logs in and leaves the meeting. We checked the jicofo logs but it looks like a normal user

Pleae help me

saghul commented 11 months ago

This issue is over 5 years old. Whatever it was it's very unlikely to be relevant now.

Please open a new issue and provide as many details as possible.

maheshzh commented 11 months ago


Sure. Thanks