jitsucom / jitsu

Jitsu is an open-source Segment alternative. Fully-scriptable data ingestion engine for modern data teams. Set-up a real-time data pipeline in minutes, not days
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Quick Start following https://docs.jitsu.com/self-hosting/quick-start #1078

Closed NNYGitHub closed 5 months ago

NNYGitHub commented 6 months ago

i followed the instructions on https://docs.jitsu.com/self-hosting/quick-start in the .env file i set:

JITSU_PUBLIC_URL=https://test.com JITSU_URL=https://test.com

and: GITHUB_CLIENT_ID, GITHUB_CLIENT_SECRET using https://test.com as "Homepage URL" and "Authorization callback URL"

i set up an nginx reverse proxy to access http://localhost:3000/ via https://test.com but i always get the following error:

ERROR [api]: Request for GET /api/app-config failed - {"zodError":{"issues":[{"received":"https, https","code":"invalid_enum_value","options":["http","https"],"path":["publicEndpoints","protocol"],"message":"Invalid enum value. Expected 'http' | 'https', received 'https, https'"}],"name":"ZodError"}} Error: Response for GET /api/app-config doesn't match required schema

Did i miss any configuration option?

absorbb commented 5 months ago

Looks like some typo in config. can you please try to setup on v2.4.1

we have simplified setup process a little: https://docs.jitsu.com/self-hosting/quick-start